The State of Mind of a Growing Man

The children, youth, whatever, are the “leaders of tomorrow” they say. A tomorrow that never comes for most, especially if you are not lucky to have or know a highly placed official as kin in the public and private parastatals. Even the very intelligent ones among us who graduate top of their classes end up like the rest and are most times not considered for any of the benefits that should accrue to them
based on school policies. It mostly takes the grace of God for them to be recognized and considered for positions of higher study and job in the school. Yet they say we are leaders of tomorrow.

High school grad students will queue up under the sun and rain to purchase Jamb registration forms and it most times takes days, and painstaking effort to accomplish this which is just the first phase. They go through more stress to register. Jamb website is under maintenance or something of that nature. Do you know that this process can be automated in a such a way that each student can purchase and register for this exams from the comfort of their homes? Graduates of Computer Science/engineering who have the skill set and technical know-how are in their homes doing nothing or worse putting their knowledge into nefarious use. Shouldn’t this country meet up with the technological trend? At least to make some parts of our lives easy. That is not the end, these students will study (those that actually study), travel far distances to take this exams or worse sit and wait for unending hours for the exams to start, sometimes writing at late hours of the night or at ungodly hours of the morning. And they say we are the leaders of tomorrow.

God helps you, you pass the exams well enough to write the second one, the university version (UTME). You go through the same process (stress) as in the case of the first one. You pass with a good score, may be not good enough to get in for the applied degree but enough to get you a degree in that university, only to fall short of the opportunity which is mostly snatched by influential parents/lecturers who buy/sell departmental slots for their kids who scored less or did not even sit for these exams. Yet we are leaders of tomorrow.

Let’s say you are lucky enough and you get in to study in the university of your choice, go through the four great walls, and a below standard lecturer/professor tries to impede you for selfish or self-gratification reasons. Yet they are to be grooming leaders of tomorrow.
You graduate, serve your funny country, search for job, apply for positions you are well qualified for and get turned down. But someone who cannot even read is given the job with no stress at all (the governor of Edo state can attest to this:, and Yes oh, we are leaders of tomorrow.

Men and women above retirement ages, who can barely see or even remember what they ate the day before at lunch are still in government offices occupying positions that can best be managed by capable young men and women. We are the leaders of tomorrow who are not given the chance.
Mr. Managing Director and accountant in the government ministries will not employ youths in their local government areas but fill up staff lists with ghost names and earn multiple salaries under different alias’s and become rich and fat. But the young men and women living in your community in dire need of a job, seeking empowerment comes to you and asks for help from your office, you reply and say “Buhari season’ did not allow you the chance to help, that god will provide.’ But some years back, they were told that they are the leaders of tomorrow.

The Leaders of tomorrow turn out to become the scourge of the future, when young men turn to life of crime to survive, young women to prostitution. Hmmm…. Leaders of tomorrow.

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