One day a young man decided to tell his father that he was ready to leave his house to continue on his own as a man. The father was proud of his sons' decision and encouraged him by giving him some of the things he might need on his journey to becoming a

The day came, the young man was set, ready to go on his journey. Bade his father farewell and hurried to the edge of the cliff where their house was. As he stood on the cliff edge he could see the wonders of the world, its beauty, its riches, its opportunities. He looked up to the skies it was clear and flight friendly. The young man took some steps back to make a good run before he took off into the skies, at that moment he took one last look at what he was leaving behind, he saw his old father watching him with a smile on his face and then gave a nod as if to say, 'it was fine to take off'. Just then the young man ran so fast to the edge of the cliff and leaped in to the air. As he free fell through the skies he could feel the air of freedom, he could feel the wind on his face, he could feel the strength in his wings as he descended. He stretched out his wings and flew so high into the skies making a spiral movement as he went. from the distance, he could hear his fathers' voice calling out to him, encouraging him to fly as high as his wings can carry him. The young man continued ascending into skies, just then an arrow came from nowhere straight through his wings and damaged them. 

He was free falling again, this time uncontrollably. The fall was so fast that he could not even flap his wings to slow himself from hitting the ground too hard. At the last moment, a strong wind blew under him, helped raised what was left of his wings and broke his fall. He landed roughly but on his feet. 

On the ground, a desolate land, it was dark everywhere, the young man looked up, the skies were still clear but he has lost the power of flight. He looked around in fear and confusion, did not know which way to go. He looked through the way he came and called out to his father.

"Father, I have fallen and my wings have been damaged, I am afraid and do not know which way to go." His father heard his voice and answered him. 
"My son, I know, I saw for myself what happened. Do not be afraid. As long your legs are okay make a run for it, run as fast as your legs can carry you. Look around and follow the light."

Just then, the young man looked around saw a ray of light in the darkness and walked towards, when he had a clearer view of where the light was coming from and made a run for it.

He ran and ran and ran until his feet were no longer touching the ground. He could feel the wind again on his face and the strength on his legs as he ran. From a distant a big boulder came flying at him and hit him on the legs. He crashed quite badly to the ground. He had now tasted the dust of the ground which he detests. Again, he cried out to his father in pain.

"Father, I have fallen down again, my legs are broken. I am afraid and confused. Do not know if I can continue." 
"My son, I know. I saw that you were knocked down. Keep moving, do not lose sight of the light"

The young man bounded the broken leg and began crawling through the bushes, looking up momentarily to see the ray of light. The journey this time was herculean, he fended off snakes, scorpions, spiders, ants and other small wild animals that came at him while he crawled through the dark forest. He is injured, weak and tired, lying on the ground now contemplating giving up. He heard a voice within him say "keep moving" so he continued crawling very slowly his arms and feet were sore and heavy but he continued. Not seeing where he was going he fell through an opening on the forest floor, tumbled down hard and fell splash into a water body. He sank below, passed out, then that same little voice within spoke again "Wake up! You are here." The young man opened his eyes, swam up to the shallow part of the river. As he crawled up from the river, he could feel himself regaining his strength, the pain in his leg was gone. He stood up from the ground, the air here was better and the skies were brighter. Looking around he could see beautiful structures like the one he left behind only much more beautiful. The young man moved closer to take a better view of the new land he had arrived at. From left to right the land was beautiful, the houses beautiful, the people beautiful and the opportunities to take and better ones living bountiful. He took in a whiff of the scented air and said to himself "I have arrived at my dream." 

The moral of the story here is to keep moving. If you are going through hell now, keep moving because the more you move, the closer you are to escaping it. If you stop moving, I guess you already know the answer to that.
Just keep moving


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