The Magic Bag
By Madubuike Michael
There was once a king who had twin sons, Ochuko and Eseoghene were brave boys who lived in the great Benin kingdom. As time passed, both boys grew into teenage young men. Ochuko was friendly with others especially the family servants but Ese was a proud fellow doing whatever pleases him.
The king was seldom worried about whom out of the two would succeed him after he has gone to join his ancestors, he had not acknowledged anyone of the two as elder to the other. They were identical in every way but their mother favoured one which she says is more obedient to her.
One day, the queen beckoned on her favorite and asked him to walk with her to her little vegetable garden. As they walked, she told the son that his father was confused as to whom would succeed him as king after he is gone to the lands of the gods.
"He can pick any of us, I'll still be supportive to my brother if he gets picked." replied Ese.
The queen found a way to poison his mind against his brother. As time passed both brothers quarreled a lot and this troubled their father.
One day the king fell ill, all the herbalists in the land could not heal the king. One night he called to one of the twins - Ochuko and asked the young man to get him water, the young man did and sat beside the dying old man to help him drink out of the cup.
"My son, I will soon be joining the gods, but before then, I want to ask you question" said the king on his bed.
"My king ask me anything" replied the young man who came to kneel beside the dying king.
"What will you do with my staff of office and crown if I gave it to you?"
"My lord, not that I crave the position, but I will be a friend to every one" replied the young prince.
" Coughing loudly and wheezing... your brother in here."
The prince ran as fast as he could to get his brother. Soon after they both returned to the room. The king then asked the one he had been with to leave the room so they could have some privacy.
The king repeated the same question to the boy.
"Hmm ! My lord, i will punish all our enemies, banish anyone who disobeys me. I will make them know that the 'Ejeabulu' clan are descendants from the gods" replied the young prince. At this answer the old man whose eyes were closed opened them to look at the face of his boy. 'His heart has been filled with malice' thought the king. "My lord, I am stronger than my brother and mother tells me I am older, so I should be the one to succeed you" continued the boy. The king lay quietly without a response, the silence irked the young prince. As he was about to continue speaking, the king asked him to call his brother back in. The young prince went and stood by the door of the kings room and called out his brothers name. "My lord, I don't think he's around, he must have gone out to look for his concubine" said the angry prince. The king then requested to be alone.
The queen had the foresight to approach the chief priest and persuade him to choose her favorite son Eseoghene as the next king. The chief priest declined the offer and said replied; "The gods will choose their next king through their father." Then the woman came closer to the bearded man on white clothes and tattoos all over his face and said something in his ear.
"Mmmmmm!" exclaimed the surprised priest. The woman fidgets, startled by the sudden noise, covered herself ashamed. The chief priest then walked round his shrine chanting incantations out loud and came back to the woman and smiled.
Few days later, the king sent for the chief priest who hurriedly came at the request of the dying king. Both remained in closed doors for hours until the chief priest comes out to announce the kings departure into the realm of the gods. Immediately the whole palace was thrown into mourning. A meeting of the elders was held in the palace courts to discuss the late kings successor. As the men were deliberating the chief priest walked in and requested they start the meeting at once. Moments later the queen and her favoured son walked in and sat down uninvited.
To be continued...
Addicted to the Chronic
By Madubuike Michael
St. Ignatius college is known for her high teaching and learning standards that surpass every other schools' in the precinct. She prides herself with highly trained academicians and scholars as teachers and instructors. One of such is the schools' guidance counselor, Mr Martin, a handsome young man, neatly trimmed and always on his black suit and red tie to complement the white shirt under the jacket.
One morning a black Escalade truck pulled up at the schools parking lot to allow a young boy alight to attend classes for the day, other students walked on by, some in pairs, others in groups- chatting as they walked into and out and of the gigantic and oblong college building, no body took notice of the new face standing to take a look at the surroundings of his new Alma mater.
Inside the course advisers' office the new student was being interviewed and given documents and pass' to use in the school premises.." Welcome to Jesuit college, Mr Thompson." The two shook hands and the younger went his way.
Some months later, the college instructors started noticing abnormal student behaviour, some of the college staff took it as pranks and funny behaviours of students towards the end of a semester, no one took into consideration the strange activities going on around the college vicinity until a student turned up dead.
The body of a female student was found behind a dumpster around the college parking lot, the cleaner who have found it screamed her lungs out. It was a cold morning that day not because of the weather but because of the incident, it was the first ever recorded death around the school premises. The precinct police did their best to investigate the matter as quiet as they can but parents were scared and wanted to know why a student turned up dead in a highly renowned tertiary institution. From the information gathered the corps could not ascertain the real cause of death, but ruled it off as cardiac distress- for a teenager that was rare.
Little over a week another body turned up. No conclusive cause of demise. The police commissioner had to show up for this one as his job was on the line because of the threats of scared parents. The police engaged in wide and long questioning of all the students and lecturers, a lie detector device was brought in for this reason. Students were called into the rectors office one at a time, it took a lot to go through a fraction of the students, academic activities were almost on a pause.
Finally after a week of tedious questioning, the police came up with nothing but a few names that had inconclusive results, still the investigation was leading nowhere. As the student guidance councilor I was partly in charge of the questioning process so I had access to needed information. Had permission from the police commissioner to go through the list of names for the inconclusive results, going through it i came across the name Ekong Thompson. 'Thompson...Thompson, was trying to place the name... Yes! I remember, I had a talk with him shortly after he enrolled in the college, he had been reported for alcohol consumption during a lecture and was remanded to come for counseling twice a week as punishment. He is not the talking type from what I gathered, he was a brilliant young man, he has good grades but something was off about him.
Weeks later, the college resumed normal activities with maximized security, the patrol came around every few hours to check on things around the school.
I was in my office one evening when I heard a scream outside my office, I rushed out and saw no one so I decided to walk down the passage to the end, it was empty, classes I walked by had no students in it. I kept on moving until I heard another scream, I ran towards the direction of the sound and rushed into the science lab, what i saw threw me off - It's not normal, they were all moving really fast, dazed students moving so fast that they couldn't control their movement and knocked things over. Their faces were almost being blurred from the speed at which their bodies vibrated. I found the screaming girl but she wasn't running away - she was watching and screamed at every fast movement that came her direction but she refused to run.
"Who did this? Who is doing this" I asked half scared and half angry - mixture of emotions.
"Young lady, come over here you need to leave this place" I said, just then one of the vibrating student ran past me roughly knocking me off balance, the girl was still screaming. I looked around at the laboratory, there were six of them running around in a crazy vibrating motion. Still confused I wanted to know what was happening to them, to know what way to help.
"Young lady! come here I said" She got startled at my call but started making her out from the corner she was hiding before she paused and was starring wide eyed a something or someone behind. Just as I was about turning around a syringe was jammed in at the back of my neck. This time the screaming girl ran away throwing away her books screaming as she ran. In a matter of seconds sounds from the surroundings got drowned out by the heavy pounding of my blood pumper. Overwhelmed by the strange sensation that took over me i sat on the ground- the room was moving and the colours around got brighter, I could feel my eyeballs rolling to the back of my head. Ekong pulled up seat and sat in front of me.
" Welcome to our party Sir, hope you love the drink i just poured you, its 'the chronic' my invention, a new type of high." He laughed as he looked around at the other occupants in the room who were mostly now lying on the floor. " Let me tell you whats going to happen to you for the next few minutes - First you should know that if you have a strong thumper, you will survive and if you don't you might just end up like the other two people. Your heart is already pumping really fast, you need to control it, breath normal otherwise you will not know when you have run 200 miles and your heart gives out. You will feel a tingling sensation all over your body, don't worry it will all make sense to you soon cos that's the fun part. Then you float away like superman."
"Why did you do his to me?" I managed to wheeze under my breath. Slowly I felt this surge of immense of energy, my body was vibrating rapidly and it felt good, really goooood. I have not felt this way before and somehow I did not want it to end, but in reality I was seizing according to the doctors report I read later in the hospital. Ekong was arrested for illicit drug use and peddling, murder and a few other crimes, he will be locked away for a long time.
Few days later, I'm in my apartment, I've been put on mandatory leave to recuperate, in a way I felt like I was fired. Day after day, night after night, I realized my system has changed I was craving energy drinks for no reason, I knew it was the drug, it was still in my system but the doctor told me there was no harm that I should feel better in no time.
The energy drinks were not giving me what I wanted, subconsciously I was craving for that sensation that sent me to the hospital.
Friday morning. I am standing at the gate of a county jail. I hear a buzzer sound off, the gates open, and I enter. I am led by a warder on brown kaki holding a wooden baton. I'm given a form which I filled, moments later I'm sitting in a see through counter. Ekong on his blue on blue prison uniform came out with chain hand and ankle coffs on him, seeing me he smirked. We are sitting face to face separated by a glass frame, I did not know how to start my inquiry.
"Mr Martin, I haven't got all day." Ekong said smiling wryly.
"Why did you do this to me?" I asked feigning anger.
"That's not why you are here." he replied.
"What kind of drug was that." I asked.
"That's not the question, ... Sir." his face was without a smile now.
"How do I get more." I asked in a low tone
"Now, that's why you are here." he replied and started laughing sadistically.
I knew the meaning of that laugh, I've gotten addicted to an experimental drug that accidentally got into me once, and I need to feel that surge again. It woke up things in me that I did not know existed.
By Madubuike Michael
It was a cool windy evening, siting on my late grandma’s rocking chair I watched the kids play in a field in the distance. They were running after each other and laughing, and as a father of four it was a beautiful scene to watch.
Suddenly the skies started turning dark from the distant horizon, dark clouds were moving
fast towards the habited areas of the vast land which was gifted to a few men of the royal navy for a service to her country, as one of our retirement benefits. Along the road that ran across the front side of my house was Mr. Sawyer driving his noisy farm truck home, we waved at each other as he drove past. Just then one of the kids screamed. I jumped to my feet and called out to my youngest who had fallen to the ground and bruised her knee.
“Funke! Come back to the house now. All of you come back home, the rest of you can go back to your houses.” I said as I peered through my thick bifocals to see if they were obeying my instruction. Moments later, they were entering the house and my youngest daughter behind as she cried softly and wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of her left-hand peeping at me with an eye.
“Alright dear, isokay, come! Come! Come! kPele oh my dear” she changed direction and came towards me still crying. I lifted her up to my shoulders and consoled her. There was a loud and sharp thundering sound preceded by a bright flash of light across the dark skies that lingered before fading away, unlike normal lightning. “Strange weather- rain in December…hm” I thought to myself. I looked at my wrist watch it was 5:15pm but it looked like it was 8:00pm already. “Oya, let’s go inside” I said to my daughter who lay quietly on my shoulder, patting her on the back I went inside my house, a 5-bed room duplex with modern fittings and furniture. As a retired highly placed government official my retirement benefit bought me adequate comfort.
After supper that evening, I sat and watched the news. The news reader had mentioned something about a strange weather phenomenon but waved it off as a trivial issue that shouldn’t bother anyone. While watching the news my mind drifted and started reminiscing about my late wife who died 7 years ago having our last child. I could remember how she made sure I took my meds for my heart condition, kissed me gently on the forehead or teased me by pulling my beard. How I miss her so, I wish you were here to see our kids growing up strong and beautiful. In my mind, I could see her sitting in front of me knitting and smiling at me. “Daddy! Daddy! My leg is paining me” cried my daughter. I opened my eyes carried her on my laps and gently rubbed the lightly bruised knee until we both fell asleep.
Suddenly there was a loud and aggressive bang on the door, startled I jumped off my sofa almost dropping the little girl still asleep in my arms. There was another flash of light so bright that it felt like dawn was in a hurry, slowly it became dark and quiet again. I looked into my dining and saw my other kids’ wide eyed and looking at me. I quickly motioned to them to go upstirs to their rooms and hide. Immediately I reached for my pump and walked quietly to the door, the loud knocking continued. “Mr. Babs! Mr. Babs!” called the voice from the other side of the door.
“Whos it?” I asked calmly but there was no response. Immediately I cocked the pump and pulled the door open. My eyes darted left and right but there was no one there. Scared, I let out a warning shot into the night sky. “Whoever you are, know that you are playing with fire oh.” I yelled and slammed my door shut. I took a second to calm myself before going to check on my kids. Moments later I was sitting with them in the bed room. After much inquiry about who was at the door, I did my best to remain calm and told them it was nobody. My eldest daughter asked that I told them a story which I obliged to ease the tension. Mid-tale, we heard another loud banging on the door. Oh! someone was going to get it now.
“Lock this door behind me” I instructed my eldest child which she did as I walked briskly down the stairs. I pulled out the hog-leg which I had stuck in at the back of my trousers. On getting to the door again, the knocking had stopped. Gently and silently I opened the door but found no one. I grabbed the flashlight on the table beside the door and ran the light through my compound, nothing out of the ordinary was noticed. Just as I was about shutting the door, I heard my name again, Mr. Sawyers wife was running to my house carrying her baby and screaming, sweating profusely. I was about calming her down but she pushed me aside and ran into my house. Quickly I shut the door and locked it for safety.
“Iyawo, jor calm down and tell me what is going on” I asked calmly.
“They are gone” she screamed “Just like that.”
“Who?” I asked but got no reply. The woman was crying frantically sprawled on the floor in my sitting room. I tried to calm her down. I took the child from her, helped her up and guided her to one of the sofas in the room. She was still crying and I wanted to take the child to my kids’ room for safety but the woman refused and asked that she wants to be with her child. I pleaded with her to remain calm and explain what had happened to me. When she did, I felt she had lost her mind. None of it made any sense. Everything she narrated was like it was from a “white people film” as we usually call it. I had to see for myself, so I locked her and my kids in and decided to go to her house to check on her husband my comrade in arm. In my hands were my pump and a flash light, I strode through the dew wet field until I got to the dimly lit house, the front door was open so I went in. on the floor I could see Mr. Sawyers knife, I remember that knife, it was custom issued to him during one of our missions overseas. On the dining table, I could see a plate of half eaten eba and okro soup. The house was empty, I called out to my friend but there was no answer, went upstairs and around the house but nobody was around. As I was about leaving the house, I stepped on something, when I looked it was a pile of ash some meters long on the sitting room floor. “An odd place to find stuff like that.” I thought and remembered what my friends’ wife had told me. Immediately I bolted through the door and across the field, in a matter of seconds I was at my door. I reached for my keys and opened the door to find two strangely dressed children standing by my window with something in their hands. “Ah! How did you people enter here.” They both turned simultaneously and looked at me. That instant I saw one of them blow something like a little bubble from a small hoop. The bubble was yellow in color and floated towards the woman and her child who were screaming at the top of their voices. The children seemed harmless at first glance but there was something sinister about their presence. The other child blew his bubble also and it went in the same direction as the first. “Stop that!” I yelled, just then the bubbles landed on the woman and her child and they instantly turned to dust. I screamed and started firing at the weird kids. First shot from my pump took the boyish looking creatures head clean off, a second shot blew the other into little pieces with orange watery matter splattering over my walls. Immediately it was as if time froze, there was that bright light again, blinding this time everything went white, I did not see for some seconds. There was this strange loud sound, it felt like my head was going to explode, then everything went dark.
written by Madubuike Michael
Left the meeting angrily, they didn’t agree with my proposal for a business expansion. Instead they went for another which I know was a shallow plan. The thought of this made me angrier.
I’m driving home now, still angry. “I don’t understand why I was turned down. It would have been a big break for me, if got awarded the contract.”
Honk! Honk! Honk!
A car is seriously and annoyingly honking at me from behind. “What the hell is his problem? Go the f*** around me fool.”
I was making a turn off the highway, the honking fool takes out my bumper and speeds off.
“OMG! What a f***ed up day this is. Everything is blowing itself to hell. Shit!”
In my bed, can’t sleep. I tossed and turned. I looked at the alarm at my bedside table; “1:05 AM”. I take a deep breath. Just then, I heard loud thumps by my bedroom window (men jumping into my compound). I hear voices. They are trying to get in. I hear sharp crack sounds at my front door. I quietly rushed to see. A few bars have been cut off my burglary. A man was squeezing through. My heart is pounding loud and hard. I can’t think. I could hear the other men tell the one inside my veranda to cut faster.
I run back to my dining table, I’m antsy, I’m scared. I need a weapon. Nothing useful around except for the pen I had used the night before to write the proposal that fell through.
I heard a very loud pound on the front door, and then another and splat! The double door flew open, off its hinges. Just then, my heart stopped. Everything went dark and then quiet.
Moments later, I came to. Three dead men are bleeding out on my orange tiled floor, a fourth wide eyed stood at the door with his mouth open, bewildered. Me, I’m on my knees in between the dead men, a bloody pen on my left hand. I’m covered in blood and sweat. My pupils glowed like an Alaskan night wolf.
I hear a metal fall clank to the ground, and then running footsteps. “Should I let him go, should I give chase?”
Like a possessed being, I sprang to my feet, instantly leaping over one of the dead men in front, I could feel the cold morning air on my face as I sprinted through the door. I see the one trying to escape, scaling the fence of my backyard. Like a leopard, I jump on him, with the pen still in my hand. Bang! Straight into his jugular. He screams and falls, chokes on a mouthful of blood…
The Magic Bag
By Madubuike Michael

There was once a king who had twin sons, Ochuko and Eseoghene were brave boys who lived in the great Benin kingdom. As time passed, both boys grew into teenage young men. Ochuko was friendly with others especially the family servants but Ese was a proud fellow doing whatever pleases him.
The king was seldom worried about whom out of the two would succeed him after he has gone to join his ancestors, he had not acknowledged anyone of the two as elder to the other. They were identical in every way but their mother favoured one which she says is more obedient to her.
One day, the queen beckoned on her favorite and asked him to walk with her to her little vegetable garden. As they walked, she told the son that his father was confused as to whom would succeed him as king after he is gone to the lands of the gods.
"He can pick any of us, I'll still be supportive to my brother if he gets picked." replied Ese.
The queen found a way to poison his mind against his brother. As time passed both brothers quarreled a lot and this troubled their father.
One day the king fell ill, all the herbalists in the land could not heal the king. One night he called to one of the twins - Ochuko and asked the young man to get him water, the young man did and sat beside the dying old man to help him drink out of the cup.
"My son, I will soon be joining the gods, but before then, I want to ask you question" said the king on his bed.
"My king ask me anything" replied the young man who came to kneel beside the dying king.
"What will you do with my staff of office and crown if I gave it to you?"
"My lord, not that I crave the position, but I will be a friend to every one" replied the young prince.
" Coughing loudly and wheezing... your brother in here."
The prince ran as fast as he could to get his brother. Soon after they both returned to the room. The king then asked the one he had been with to leave the room so they could have some privacy.
The king repeated the same question to the boy.
"Hmm ! My lord, i will punish all our enemies, banish anyone who disobeys me. I will make them know that the 'Ejeabulu' clan are descendants from the gods" replied the young prince. At this answer the old man whose eyes were closed opened them to look at the face of his boy. 'His heart has been filled with malice' thought the king. "My lord, I am stronger than my brother and mother tells me I am older, so I should be the one to succeed you" continued the boy. The king lay quietly without a response, the silence irked the young prince. As he was about to continue speaking, the king asked him to call his brother back in. The young prince went and stood by the door of the kings room and called out his brothers name. "My lord, I don't think he's around, he must have gone out to look for his concubine" said the angry prince. The king then requested to be alone.
The queen had the foresight to approach the chief priest and persuade him to choose her favorite son Eseoghene as the next king. The chief priest declined the offer and said replied; "The gods will choose their next king through their father." Then the woman came closer to the bearded man on white clothes and tattoos all over his face and said something in his ear.
"Mmmmmm!" exclaimed the surprised priest. The woman fidgets, startled by the sudden noise, covered herself ashamed. The chief priest then walked round his shrine chanting incantations out loud and came back to the woman and smiled.
Few days later, the king sent for the chief priest who hurriedly came at the request of the dying king. Both remained in closed doors for hours until the chief priest comes out to announce the kings departure into the realm of the gods. Immediately the whole palace was thrown into mourning. A meeting of the elders was held in the palace courts to discuss the late kings successor. As the men were deliberating the chief priest walked in and requested they start the meeting at once. Moments later the queen and her favoured son walked in and sat down uninvited.
To be continued... The king was seldom worried about whom out of the two would succeed him after he has gone to join his ancestors, he had not acknowledged anyone of the two as elder to the other. They were identical in every way but their mother favoured one which she says is more obedient to her.
One day, the queen beckoned on her favorite and asked him to walk with her to her little vegetable garden. As they walked, she told the son that his father was confused as to whom would succeed him as king after he is gone to the lands of the gods.
"He can pick any of us, I'll still be supportive to my brother if he gets picked." replied Ese.
The queen found a way to poison his mind against his brother. As time passed both brothers quarreled a lot and this troubled their father.
One day the king fell ill, all the herbalists in the land could not heal the king. One night he called to one of the twins - Ochuko and asked the young man to get him water, the young man did and sat beside the dying old man to help him drink out of the cup.
"My son, I will soon be joining the gods, but before then, I want to ask you question" said the king on his bed.
"My king ask me anything" replied the young man who came to kneel beside the dying king.
"What will you do with my staff of office and crown if I gave it to you?"
"My lord, not that I crave the position, but I will be a friend to every one" replied the young prince.
" Coughing loudly and wheezing... your brother in here."
The prince ran as fast as he could to get his brother. Soon after they both returned to the room. The king then asked the one he had been with to leave the room so they could have some privacy.
The king repeated the same question to the boy.
"Hmm ! My lord, i will punish all our enemies, banish anyone who disobeys me. I will make them know that the 'Ejeabulu' clan are descendants from the gods" replied the young prince. At this answer the old man whose eyes were closed opened them to look at the face of his boy. 'His heart has been filled with malice' thought the king. "My lord, I am stronger than my brother and mother tells me I am older, so I should be the one to succeed you" continued the boy. The king lay quietly without a response, the silence irked the young prince. As he was about to continue speaking, the king asked him to call his brother back in. The young prince went and stood by the door of the kings room and called out his brothers name. "My lord, I don't think he's around, he must have gone out to look for his concubine" said the angry prince. The king then requested to be alone.
The queen had the foresight to approach the chief priest and persuade him to choose her favorite son Eseoghene as the next king. The chief priest declined the offer and said replied; "The gods will choose their next king through their father." Then the woman came closer to the bearded man on white clothes and tattoos all over his face and said something in his ear.
"Mmmmmm!" exclaimed the surprised priest. The woman fidgets, startled by the sudden noise, covered herself ashamed. The chief priest then walked round his shrine chanting incantations out loud and came back to the woman and smiled.
Few days later, the king sent for the chief priest who hurriedly came at the request of the dying king. Both remained in closed doors for hours until the chief priest comes out to announce the kings departure into the realm of the gods. Immediately the whole palace was thrown into mourning. A meeting of the elders was held in the palace courts to discuss the late kings successor. As the men were deliberating the chief priest walked in and requested they start the meeting at once. Moments later the queen and her favoured son walked in and sat down uninvited.
Addicted to the Chronic
By Madubuike Michael

St. Ignatius college is known for her high teaching and learning standards that surpass every other schools' in the precinct. She prides herself with highly trained academicians and scholars as teachers and instructors. One of such is the schools' guidance counselor, Mr Martin, a handsome young man, neatly trimmed and always on his black suit and red tie to complement the white shirt under the jacket.
One morning a black Escalade truck pulled up at the schools parking lot to allow a young boy alight to attend classes for the day, other students walked on by, some in pairs, others in groups- chatting as they walked into and out and of the gigantic and oblong college building, no body took notice of the new face standing to take a look at the surroundings of his new Alma mater.
Inside the course advisers' office the new student was being interviewed and given documents and pass' to use in the school premises.." Welcome to Jesuit college, Mr Thompson." The two shook hands and the younger went his way.
Some months later, the college instructors started noticing abnormal student behaviour, some of the college staff took it as pranks and funny behaviours of students towards the end of a semester, no one took into consideration the strange activities going on around the college vicinity until a student turned up dead.
The body of a female student was found behind a dumpster around the college parking lot, the cleaner who have found it screamed her lungs out. It was a cold morning that day not because of the weather but because of the incident, it was the first ever recorded death around the school premises. The precinct police did their best to investigate the matter as quiet as they can but parents were scared and wanted to know why a student turned up dead in a highly renowned tertiary institution. From the information gathered the corps could not ascertain the real cause of death, but ruled it off as cardiac distress- for a teenager that was rare.
Little over a week another body turned up. No conclusive cause of demise. The police commissioner had to show up for this one as his job was on the line because of the threats of scared parents. The police engaged in wide and long questioning of all the students and lecturers, a lie detector device was brought in for this reason. Students were called into the rectors office one at a time, it took a lot to go through a fraction of the students, academic activities were almost on a pause.
Finally after a week of tedious questioning, the police came up with nothing but a few names that had inconclusive results, still the investigation was leading nowhere. As the student guidance councilor I was partly in charge of the questioning process so I had access to needed information. Had permission from the police commissioner to go through the list of names for the inconclusive results, going through it i came across the name Ekong Thompson. 'Thompson...Thompson, was trying to place the name... Yes! I remember, I had a talk with him shortly after he enrolled in the college, he had been reported for alcohol consumption during a lecture and was remanded to come for counseling twice a week as punishment. He is not the talking type from what I gathered, he was a brilliant young man, he has good grades but something was off about him.
Weeks later, the college resumed normal activities with maximized security, the patrol came around every few hours to check on things around the school.
I was in my office one evening when I heard a scream outside my office, I rushed out and saw no one so I decided to walk down the passage to the end, it was empty, classes I walked by had no students in it. I kept on moving until I heard another scream, I ran towards the direction of the sound and rushed into the science lab, what i saw threw me off - It's not normal, they were all moving really fast, dazed students moving so fast that they couldn't control their movement and knocked things over. Their faces were almost being blurred from the speed at which their bodies vibrated. I found the screaming girl but she wasn't running away - she was watching and screamed at every fast movement that came her direction but she refused to run.
"Who did this? Who is doing this" I asked half scared and half angry - mixture of emotions.
"Young lady, come over here you need to leave this place" I said, just then one of the vibrating student ran past me roughly knocking me off balance, the girl was still screaming. I looked around at the laboratory, there were six of them running around in a crazy vibrating motion. Still confused I wanted to know what was happening to them, to know what way to help.
"Young lady! come here I said" She got startled at my call but started making her out from the corner she was hiding before she paused and was starring wide eyed a something or someone behind. Just as I was about turning around a syringe was jammed in at the back of my neck. This time the screaming girl ran away throwing away her books screaming as she ran. In a matter of seconds sounds from the surroundings got drowned out by the heavy pounding of my blood pumper. Overwhelmed by the strange sensation that took over me i sat on the ground- the room was moving and the colours around got brighter, I could feel my eyeballs rolling to the back of my head. Ekong pulled up seat and sat in front of me.
" Welcome to our party Sir, hope you love the drink i just poured you, its 'the chronic' my invention, a new type of high." He laughed as he looked around at the other occupants in the room who were mostly now lying on the floor. " Let me tell you whats going to happen to you for the next few minutes - First you should know that if you have a strong thumper, you will survive and if you don't you might just end up like the other two people. Your heart is already pumping really fast, you need to control it, breath normal otherwise you will not know when you have run 200 miles and your heart gives out. You will feel a tingling sensation all over your body, don't worry it will all make sense to you soon cos that's the fun part. Then you float away like superman."
"Why did you do his to me?" I managed to wheeze under my breath. Slowly I felt this surge of immense of energy, my body was vibrating rapidly and it felt good, really goooood. I have not felt this way before and somehow I did not want it to end, but in reality I was seizing according to the doctors report I read later in the hospital. Ekong was arrested for illicit drug use and peddling, murder and a few other crimes, he will be locked away for a long time.
Few days later, I'm in my apartment, I've been put on mandatory leave to recuperate, in a way I felt like I was fired. Day after day, night after night, I realized my system has changed I was craving energy drinks for no reason, I knew it was the drug, it was still in my system but the doctor told me there was no harm that I should feel better in no time.
The energy drinks were not giving me what I wanted, subconsciously I was craving for that sensation that sent me to the hospital.
Friday morning. I am standing at the gate of a county jail. I hear a buzzer sound off, the gates open, and I enter. I am led by a warder on brown kaki holding a wooden baton. I'm given a form which I filled, moments later I'm sitting in a see through counter. Ekong on his blue on blue prison uniform came out with chain hand and ankle coffs on him, seeing me he smirked. We are sitting face to face separated by a glass frame, I did not know how to start my inquiry.
"Mr Martin, I haven't got all day." Ekong said smiling wryly.
"Why did you do this to me?" I asked feigning anger.
"That's not why you are here." he replied.
"What kind of drug was that." I asked.
"That's not the question, ... Sir." his face was without a smile now.
"How do I get more." I asked in a low tone
"Now, that's why you are here." he replied and started laughing sadistically.
I knew the meaning of that laugh, I've gotten addicted to an experimental drug that accidentally got into me once, and I need to feel that surge again. It woke up things in me that I did not know existed.
By Madubuike Michael
It was a cool windy evening, siting on my late grandma’s rocking chair I watched the kids play in a field in the distance. They were running after each other and laughing, and as a father of four it was a beautiful scene to watch.
Suddenly the skies started turning dark from the distant horizon, dark clouds were moving
fast towards the habited areas of the vast land which was gifted to a few men of the royal navy for a service to her country, as one of our retirement benefits. Along the road that ran across the front side of my house was Mr. Sawyer driving his noisy farm truck home, we waved at each other as he drove past. Just then one of the kids screamed. I jumped to my feet and called out to my youngest who had fallen to the ground and bruised her knee.
fast towards the habited areas of the vast land which was gifted to a few men of the royal navy for a service to her country, as one of our retirement benefits. Along the road that ran across the front side of my house was Mr. Sawyer driving his noisy farm truck home, we waved at each other as he drove past. Just then one of the kids screamed. I jumped to my feet and called out to my youngest who had fallen to the ground and bruised her knee.
“Funke! Come back to the house now. All of you come back home, the rest of you can go back to your houses.” I said as I peered through my thick bifocals to see if they were obeying my instruction. Moments later, they were entering the house and my youngest daughter behind as she cried softly and wiping the tears from her cheeks with the back of her left-hand peeping at me with an eye.
“Alright dear, isokay, come! Come! Come! kPele oh my dear” she changed direction and came towards me still crying. I lifted her up to my shoulders and consoled her. There was a loud and sharp thundering sound preceded by a bright flash of light across the dark skies that lingered before fading away, unlike normal lightning. “Strange weather- rain in December…hm” I thought to myself. I looked at my wrist watch it was 5:15pm but it looked like it was 8:00pm already. “Oya, let’s go inside” I said to my daughter who lay quietly on my shoulder, patting her on the back I went inside my house, a 5-bed room duplex with modern fittings and furniture. As a retired highly placed government official my retirement benefit bought me adequate comfort.
After supper that evening, I sat and watched the news. The news reader had mentioned something about a strange weather phenomenon but waved it off as a trivial issue that shouldn’t bother anyone. While watching the news my mind drifted and started reminiscing about my late wife who died 7 years ago having our last child. I could remember how she made sure I took my meds for my heart condition, kissed me gently on the forehead or teased me by pulling my beard. How I miss her so, I wish you were here to see our kids growing up strong and beautiful. In my mind, I could see her sitting in front of me knitting and smiling at me. “Daddy! Daddy! My leg is paining me” cried my daughter. I opened my eyes carried her on my laps and gently rubbed the lightly bruised knee until we both fell asleep.
Suddenly there was a loud and aggressive bang on the door, startled I jumped off my sofa almost dropping the little girl still asleep in my arms. There was another flash of light so bright that it felt like dawn was in a hurry, slowly it became dark and quiet again. I looked into my dining and saw my other kids’ wide eyed and looking at me. I quickly motioned to them to go upstirs to their rooms and hide. Immediately I reached for my pump and walked quietly to the door, the loud knocking continued. “Mr. Babs! Mr. Babs!” called the voice from the other side of the door.
“Whos it?” I asked calmly but there was no response. Immediately I cocked the pump and pulled the door open. My eyes darted left and right but there was no one there. Scared, I let out a warning shot into the night sky. “Whoever you are, know that you are playing with fire oh.” I yelled and slammed my door shut. I took a second to calm myself before going to check on my kids. Moments later I was sitting with them in the bed room. After much inquiry about who was at the door, I did my best to remain calm and told them it was nobody. My eldest daughter asked that I told them a story which I obliged to ease the tension. Mid-tale, we heard another loud banging on the door. Oh! someone was going to get it now.
“Lock this door behind me” I instructed my eldest child which she did as I walked briskly down the stairs. I pulled out the hog-leg which I had stuck in at the back of my trousers. On getting to the door again, the knocking had stopped. Gently and silently I opened the door but found no one. I grabbed the flashlight on the table beside the door and ran the light through my compound, nothing out of the ordinary was noticed. Just as I was about shutting the door, I heard my name again, Mr. Sawyers wife was running to my house carrying her baby and screaming, sweating profusely. I was about calming her down but she pushed me aside and ran into my house. Quickly I shut the door and locked it for safety.
“Iyawo, jor calm down and tell me what is going on” I asked calmly.
“They are gone” she screamed “Just like that.”
“Who?” I asked but got no reply. The woman was crying frantically sprawled on the floor in my sitting room. I tried to calm her down. I took the child from her, helped her up and guided her to one of the sofas in the room. She was still crying and I wanted to take the child to my kids’ room for safety but the woman refused and asked that she wants to be with her child. I pleaded with her to remain calm and explain what had happened to me. When she did, I felt she had lost her mind. None of it made any sense. Everything she narrated was like it was from a “white people film” as we usually call it. I had to see for myself, so I locked her and my kids in and decided to go to her house to check on her husband my comrade in arm. In my hands were my pump and a flash light, I strode through the dew wet field until I got to the dimly lit house, the front door was open so I went in. on the floor I could see Mr. Sawyers knife, I remember that knife, it was custom issued to him during one of our missions overseas. On the dining table, I could see a plate of half eaten eba and okro soup. The house was empty, I called out to my friend but there was no answer, went upstairs and around the house but nobody was around. As I was about leaving the house, I stepped on something, when I looked it was a pile of ash some meters long on the sitting room floor. “An odd place to find stuff like that.” I thought and remembered what my friends’ wife had told me. Immediately I bolted through the door and across the field, in a matter of seconds I was at my door. I reached for my keys and opened the door to find two strangely dressed children standing by my window with something in their hands. “Ah! How did you people enter here.” They both turned simultaneously and looked at me. That instant I saw one of them blow something like a little bubble from a small hoop. The bubble was yellow in color and floated towards the woman and her child who were screaming at the top of their voices. The children seemed harmless at first glance but there was something sinister about their presence. The other child blew his bubble also and it went in the same direction as the first. “Stop that!” I yelled, just then the bubbles landed on the woman and her child and they instantly turned to dust. I screamed and started firing at the weird kids. First shot from my pump took the boyish looking creatures head clean off, a second shot blew the other into little pieces with orange watery matter splattering over my walls. Immediately it was as if time froze, there was that bright light again, blinding this time everything went white, I did not see for some seconds. There was this strange loud sound, it felt like my head was going to explode, then everything went dark.
written by Madubuike Michael

Left the meeting angrily, they didn’t agree with my proposal for a business expansion. Instead they went for another which I know was a shallow plan. The thought of this made me angrier.
I’m driving home now, still angry. “I don’t understand why I was turned down. It would have been a big break for me, if got awarded the contract.”
Honk! Honk! Honk!
A car is seriously and annoyingly honking at me from behind. “What the hell is his problem? Go the f*** around me fool.”
I was making a turn off the highway, the honking fool takes out my bumper and speeds off.
“OMG! What a f***ed up day this is. Everything is blowing itself to hell. Shit!”
In my bed, can’t sleep. I tossed and turned. I looked at the alarm at my bedside table; “1:05 AM”. I take a deep breath. Just then, I heard loud thumps by my bedroom window (men jumping into my compound). I hear voices. They are trying to get in. I hear sharp crack sounds at my front door. I quietly rushed to see. A few bars have been cut off my burglary. A man was squeezing through. My heart is pounding loud and hard. I can’t think. I could hear the other men tell the one inside my veranda to cut faster.
I run back to my dining table, I’m antsy, I’m scared. I need a weapon. Nothing useful around except for the pen I had used the night before to write the proposal that fell through.
I heard a very loud pound on the front door, and then another and splat! The double door flew open, off its hinges. Just then, my heart stopped. Everything went dark and then quiet.
Moments later, I came to. Three dead men are bleeding out on my orange tiled floor, a fourth wide eyed stood at the door with his mouth open, bewildered. Me, I’m on my knees in between the dead men, a bloody pen on my left hand. I’m covered in blood and sweat. My pupils glowed like an Alaskan night wolf.
I hear a metal fall clank to the ground, and then running footsteps. “Should I let him go, should I give chase?”
Like a possessed being, I sprang to my feet, instantly leaping over one of the dead men in front, I could feel the cold morning air on my face as I sprinted through the door. I see the one trying to escape, scaling the fence of my backyard. Like a leopard, I jump on him, with the pen still in my hand. Bang! Straight into his jugular. He screams and falls, chokes on a mouthful of blood…
Dream of a Late Husband
In her dream, she sat motionless on the couch and watched the T.V., turned to mute. She couldn’t have told you what was on. She wondered what he was doing at this moment.
All of their beautiful memories from a life together surrounded her. Black cats in a furry swirl slept on the window seat. Stacked on the coffee table were photo albums with pictures of their colorful anniversary parties in green country fields. Worn books from two lifetimes of collecting classics lined the shelves. Trinkets from their travels to the highest points across the U.S. competed with each other in a curio cabinet.
She heard a sound that was familiar and unfamiliar. It was coming from outside, from somewhere behind her. She stood slowly and rounded the couch, making her way toward the row of widows which lined the southeastern side of the house to let in as much light as possible. She stood in a spray of sunlight before the windows and peered through her own reflection in the glass down to the gravel driveway.
The boy she saw was about 12 years old. He was playing with a black kitten that could have been a cousin to the one curled up on the window seat now. The boy was flying a kite above his head, almost up to the roof of the house, and the kitten was chasing the string, dangling from the boy’s hand. The kite had red and green and yellow sprays of color. The boy was laughing at the kitten bounding through the air, trying to catch the string. It was not the laughter of the grown man she had known but his little boy laughter that she recognized as the sound that was familiar and unfamiliar to her. She had not even known him then, yet here he was, letting her know that he was O.K. now. She watched him until he disappeared down the driveway, the kite and kitten trailing him, then she turned and walked back around the couch and sat down again, leaning back into the cushions, and closed her eyes.
When she awoke in the middle of the night, she felt lighthearted and free. She stood in the dark room, and feeling the contours of the couch with her hand, made her way back to the row of windows, now filled with black starry night. She couldn’t see down the driveway, but she knew he would always be there, and everywhere else she looked, chasing sunlight in her dreams both night and day.
The Flaming Forest
written by Madubuike Michael
It all started with two lovers, Quartz and Obsidian. They both lived in a cave near the shore of the biggest blackest sea. They met at the cave when a strange man-like looking animal used Quartz to crack a
nut to feed itself. When it was finished it threw Quartz against the inner wall of the cave, she ricochets off the wall and lands on another. The impact gave a bright spark that almost started a big fire inside the cave. When all was settled, Quartz turned around to see what or who she had landed on. "Mama mia! a handsome one. I wonder what he's being doing here all alone" thought Quartz to herself. Dazed and trying to pick himself up, Obsidian's gaze met with what blew him away in an instant. "Oh lord, this is beauty divine. An angel didn't just fall out of heaven, she landed on me" thought Obsidian as his unbreakable gaze was still fixed on the beauty he beheld for the first which was fully manifested by the light of the dying fire their collision had sparked up. Love at first sight. Both got acquainted real fast and become lovers even faster. They remained with each other for a very long time within the same cave they met in.
Sometime later, a man dressed in shorts, long socks, boots and a funny looking hat (looking like a bowl) walked into the cave carrying a torch light. As he looked around and waved his light around the light fell on Quartz her beauty was quickly noticed because she glittered in the light form the torch. The man with the funny hat walked straight to where she was and picked her up studied her for a minute. He looked around to see i he could find others like her, but there was none. The man walked away from the cave with Quartz in his black leather bag. Obsidian was devastated, his soul mate was gone, taken away from him and there was nothing he could do about it, although he had screamed at the top of his voice to ask for the release of his sent from heaven but the man did not hear or he was not paying attention or probably did not care. Obsidian cried for many days.
One afternoon a big white Heron flew into the cave looking for where to nest. As she pecked around and surveyed the cave for a proper hiding spot she jumped on small black rock, pecked on it. "Just get it over with, kill me. I have nothing else to live for" The heron leaped up into the air and almost flew away in fear, but something about what the voice said moved her. She walked back into the cave cautiously. " Who is there?" asked the heron
" It's just me, OB" replied the black rock.
"OB?" asked the heron looking around. She saw Obsidian depressed, sitting at the corner where she had been pecking around at.
"I'm sorry I pecked on you"
"It's okay, I wasn't hurt as much as what happened to me a many days ago"
Obsidian narrated his ordeal to the bird, she took pity on him and consoled him.
"Wait a minute! I think I saw the man you are talking about" said the heron "He is moving with his herd, there are a few of them"
"You did?" asked Obsidian.
"Yes, they are not so far from here"
"But how am I going to get there, I'm only a rock." Just then the heron jumped on top of him and pulled him off the ground, but he fell back to the ground. The Heron cycled back, reached low and grabbed him. Up and away they went in the evening golden skies,in the horizon the sun was retiring from a hard days work, night creatures were already creeping out of their holes, some out in full view others with just their heads sticking out.
The heron flew for about an hour with the rock in the grasp of her talons when they finally set their sights on the "man herd."
"There they are" she said
"I see them" replied Obsidian. "But where is she, I can't see her" The heron was circling the man-heard and was getting tired after a long flight coupled with carrying the rock.
"There! I see her, I recognize the black bag" The rock said with a little excitement in his voice. At a closer look he could see her lying beside the open bag beside a box filled with long brown sticks of some sort. "Hey! big bird, I know you are tired, but I need you to drop me between the black bag on the ground and the box."
"Yes, Sir. replied the heron in relief. "And my name is Heron, not big bird. Good luck rocky"
The bird took a dive from a distant and dropped the rock right where he had asked. Bulls-eye, he had landed on Quartz just the same way they met.
"Mia more', You found me. I thought I lost you forever" said Quartz happy to see her lover
"Baby, I'm here now. We wont be separated again." replied Obsidian.
"How do know? We are still in the camp of the...." she paused and looked around. She could see fire everywhere, the flames were as tall as the trees in the forest. Their collision again had sent a little spark into the dynamite box which had exploded to cause the fire. The man-herd was scattered, the bushes and trees were burning, everything around them was in flames.
by Madubuike Michael
One day a young man decided to tell his father that he was ready to leave his house to continue on his own as a man. The father was proud of his sons' decision and encouraged him by giving him some of the things he might need on his journey to becoming a
The day came, the young man was set, ready to go on his journey. Bade his father farewell and hurried to the edge of the cliff where their house was. As he stood on the cliff edge he could see the wonders of the world, its beauty, its riches, its opportunities. He looked up to the skies it was clear and flight friendly. The young man took some steps back to make a good run before he took off into the skies, at that moment he took one last look at what he was leaving behind, he saw his old father watching him with a smile on his face and then gave a nod as if to say, 'it was fine to take off'. Just then the young man ran so fast to the edge of the cliff and leaped in to the air. As he free fell through the skies he could feel the air of freedom, he could feel the wind on his face, he could feel the strength in his wings as he descended. He stretched out his wings and flew so high into the skies making a spiral movement as he went. from the distance, he could hear his fathers' voice calling out to him, encouraging him to fly as high as his wings can carry him. The young man continued ascending into skies, just then an arrow came from nowhere straight through his wings and damaged them.
The day came, the young man was set, ready to go on his journey. Bade his father farewell and hurried to the edge of the cliff where their house was. As he stood on the cliff edge he could see the wonders of the world, its beauty, its riches, its opportunities. He looked up to the skies it was clear and flight friendly. The young man took some steps back to make a good run before he took off into the skies, at that moment he took one last look at what he was leaving behind, he saw his old father watching him with a smile on his face and then gave a nod as if to say, 'it was fine to take off'. Just then the young man ran so fast to the edge of the cliff and leaped in to the air. As he free fell through the skies he could feel the air of freedom, he could feel the wind on his face, he could feel the strength in his wings as he descended. He stretched out his wings and flew so high into the skies making a spiral movement as he went. from the distance, he could hear his fathers' voice calling out to him, encouraging him to fly as high as his wings can carry him. The young man continued ascending into skies, just then an arrow came from nowhere straight through his wings and damaged them.
He was free falling again, this time uncontrollably. The fall was so fast that he could not even flap his wings to slow himself from hitting the ground too hard. At the last moment, a strong wind blew under him, helped raised what was left of his wings and broke his fall. He landed roughly but on his feet.
On the ground, a desolate land, it was dark everywhere, the young man looked up, the skies were still clear but he has lost the power of flight. He looked around in fear and confusion, did not know which way to go. He looked through the way he came and called out to his father.
"Father, I have fallen and my wings have been damaged, I am afraid and do not know which way to go." His father heard his voice and answered him.
"My son, I know, I saw for myself what happened. Do not be afraid. As long your legs are okay make a run for it, run as fast as your legs can carry you. Look around and follow the light."
Just then, the young man looked around saw a ray of light in the darkness and walked towards, when he had a clearer view of where the light was coming from and made a run for it.
He ran and ran and ran until his feet were no longer touching the ground. He could feel the wind again on his face and the strength on his legs as he ran. From a distant a big boulder came flying at him and hit him on the legs. He crashed quite badly to the ground. He had now tasted the dust of the ground which he detests. Again, he cried out to his father in pain.
"Father, I have fallen down again, my legs are broken. I am afraid and confused. Do not know if I can continue."
"My son, I know. I saw that you were knocked down. Keep moving, do not lose sight of the light"
The young man bounded the broken leg and began crawling through the bushes, looking up momentarily to see the ray of light. The journey this time was herculean, he fended off snakes, scorpions, spiders, ants and other small wild animals that came at him while he crawled through the dark forest. He is injured, weak and tired, lying on the ground now contemplating giving up. He heard a voice within him say "keep moving" so he continued crawling very slowly his arms and feet were sore and heavy but he continued. Not seeing where he was going he fell through an opening on the forest floor, tumbled down hard and fell splash into a water body. He sank below, passed out, then that same little voice within spoke again "Wake up! You are here." The young man opened his eyes, swam up to the shallow part of the river. As he crawled up from the river, he could feel himself regaining his strength, the pain in his leg was gone. He stood up from the ground, the air here was better and the skies were brighter. Looking around he could see beautiful structures like the one he left behind only much more beautiful. The young man moved closer to take a better view of the new land he had arrived at. From left to right the land was beautiful, the houses beautiful, the people beautiful and the opportunities to take and better ones living bountiful. He took in a whiff of the scented air and said to himself "I have arrived at my dream."
The moral of the story here is to keep moving. If you are going through hell now, keep moving because the more you move, the closer you are to escaping it. If you stop moving, I guess you already know the answer to that.
Just keep moving
(Part two)
A man was being chased by a lion in the forest. He ran as fast as he could, as fast as his legs were able to carry him, but the lion was getting closer and closer as he ran. Luckily for the man, he saw a low branch of a tall tree, just as the lion was about to pounce on
him, he jumped on to the branch and climbed up the tree. The lion missed him by a little margin.
him, he jumped on to the branch and climbed up the tree. The lion missed him by a little margin.
Up the tree now looking down below, the man could see the wild beast pacing round the tree refusing to leave, moments later the beast fell asleep under the tree waiting for him to come down. He was perturbed at the sight of the sleeping lion under the tree, as if his luck wasn’t bad enough a very big python crawled its way under the branch he was on and opened its mouth wide waiting for the man to fall from the tree into its mouth. In despair, he looked around the tree for a way out and climbed higher, just then a wood pecker landed on the new branch he was now taking refuge on. These industrious birds pecked away at the branch which became weaker with time. The frantic man, scared out of his mind was looking around to find a way to save himself, as he searched around he saw a bee hive filled with honey. The hive was so full of honey that it was dripping. Drops of honey fell on his face as he looked up, he licked it, behold it was so sweet, sweeter than any he has eaten before so he decided to open his mouth to allow the drops of honey drop into his mouth. Moments later, the branch he was sitting on broke and he fell, as he was falling he saw that he was plummeting into the mouth of the serpent. Just then, he woke up from his sleep.
The interpretation of the dream, as explained by the priest he narrated the story to, was that the lion was death, the python is the abyss, the branches are temporary refuge, as in the life we have today, the wood pecker signifies the troubles and worries of life, and the honey is earthly pleasure. The message here is that, we should not allow ourselves to be overtaken and become pre-occupied by the pleasures of this earth, and forget the inevitable end that befalls all men.
A priest told me this story and I decided to share.
(Part one)
By Madubuike Michael
A dream from what I understand, is a series of pictures, colors, shapes, ideas, emotions and sensations that moves in successions in the human mind during sleep. Scientists have stated that dreams are mostly triggered by residual thoughts or obsessions. The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology; not that you needed the lesson, I just thought I should state it since I am talking about it.
One glorious day as I was to deliver a speech in the united nations auditorium. The speech was going to be about the solutions to global economic crisis. The theories I had prepared, in practical would eradicate poverty by bringing almost instant economic boom. The secretary general back then, Kofi Annan was rounding up his address and was about to introduce me to the house so I can come deliver my global solutions speech. He looked at me and nodded signifying that it was time for me to come out and do my thing. I was beaming with so much pride, dexterity, and a high level of intellect after the introduction. My Italian dark blue suit was looking elegant under the spot light. As I walked on to the podium I could see prominent world leaders clapping their hands at my arrival. It was a beautiful sight.
Standing on the podium now, the auditorium was quiet waiting for me to speak. As I was about to flip the slide on the screen, I took a quick glance at the crowd again, and this time I made out a few familiar faces. I saw the past president of Nigeria, His excellency Olusegun Obasanjo, the US president George W. Bush and Condoleeza Rice, the US secretary of state all smiling at me, and at that moment the auditorium became illuminated, brighter than it was before. The next thing I heard, Bush screamed “Wow!”, OBJ yelled; “Up NEPA!” shocked out my senses I thought that was the end only to find Condoleeza dancing Awilo and singing; eh!eh!eh!’ in happiness. Indeed, an awkward picture. This cannot be happening, I thought to myself. Gradually, the awkward picture started disappearing and I woke up. It was my mum who screamed the wow! my younger brother yelled the ‘up NEPA’, and our youngest sister did the dancing before going to put on the DVD to continue the movie she was seeing earlier. You might not believe it, but it happened.
Published in L. Frank Baum's collection, American Fairy Tales in 1901.
On one of the upper branches of the Congo river lived an ancient and aristocratic family of hippopotamuses, which boasted a pedigree dating back beyond the days of Noah--beyond the existence of mankind--far into the dim ages when the world was new.
They had always lived upon the banks of this same river, so that every curve and sweep of its waters, every pit and shallow of its bed, every rock and stump and wallow upon its bank was as familiar to them as their own mothers. And they are living there yet, I suppose.
Not long ago the queen of this tribe of hippopotamuses had a child which she named Keo, because it was so fat and round. Still, that you may not be misled, I will say that in the hippopotamus language "Keo," properly translated, means "fat and lazy" instead of fat and round. However, no one called the queen's attention to this error, because her tusks were monstrous long and sharp, and she thought Keo the sweetest baby in the world.
He was, indeed, all right for a hippopotamus. He rolled and played in the soft mud of the river bank, and waddled inland to nibble the leaves of the wild cabbage that grew there, and was happy and contented from morning till night. And he was the jolliest hippopotamus that ancient family had ever known. His little red eyes were forever twinkling with fun, and he laughed his merry laugh on all occasions, whether there was anything to laugh at or not.
Therefore the black people who dwelt in that region called him "Ippi"--the jolly one, although they dared not come anigh him on account of his fierce mother, and his equally fierce uncles and aunts and cousins, who lived in a vast colony upon the river bank.
And while these black people, who lived in little villages scattered among the trees, dared not openly attack the royal family of hippopotamuses, they were amazingly fond of eating hippopotamus meat whenever they could get it. This was no secret to the hippopotamuses. And, again, when the blacks managed to catch these animals alive, they had a trick of riding them through the jungles as if they were horses, thus reducing them to a condition of slavery.
Therefore, having these things in mind, whenever the tribe of hippopotamuses smelled the oily odor of black people they were accustomed to charge upon them furiously, and if by chance they overtook one of the enemy they would rip him with their sharp tusks or stamp him into the earth with their huge feet.
It was continual warfare between the hippopotamuses and the black people.
Gouie lived in one of the little villages of the blacks. He was the son of the chief's brother and grandson of the village sorcerer, the latter being an aged man known as the "the boneless wonder," because he could twist himself into as many coils as a serpent and had no bones to hinder his bending his flesh into any position. This made him walk in a wabbly fashion, but the black people had great respect for him.
Gouie's hut was made of branches of trees stuck together with mud, and his clothing consisted of a grass mat tied around his middle. But his relationship to the chief and the sorcerer gave him a certain dignity, and he was much addicted to solitary thought. Perhaps it was natural that these thoughts frequently turned upon his enemies, the hippopotamuses, and that he should consider many ways of capturing them.
Finally he completed his plans, and set about digging a great pit in the ground, midway between two sharp curves of the river. When the pit was finished he covered it over with small branches of trees, and strewed earth upon them, smoothing the surface so artfully that no one would suspect there was a big hole underneath. Then Gouie laughed softly to himself and went home to supper.
That evening the queen said to Keo, who was growing to be a fine child for his age:
"I wish you'd run across the bend and ask your Uncle Nikki to come here. I have found a strange plant, and want him to tell me if it is good to eat."
The jolly one laughed heartily as he started upon his errand, for he felt as important as a boy does when he is sent for the first time to the corner grocery to buy a yeast cake.
"Guk-uk-uk-uk! guk-uk-uk-uk!" was the way he laughed; and if you think a hippopotamus does not laugh this way you have but to listen to one and you will find I am right.
He crawled out of the mud where he was wallowing and tramped away through the bushes, and the last his mother heard as she lay half in and half out of the water was his musical "guk-uk-uk-uk!" dying away in the distance.
Keo was in such a happy mood that he scarcely noticed where he stepped, so he was much surprised when, in the middle of a laugh, the ground gave way beneath him, and he fell to the bottom of Gouie's deep pit. He was not badly hurt, but had bumped his nose severely as he went down; so he stopped laughing and began to think how he should get out again. Then he found the walls were higher than his head, and that he was a prisoner.
So he laughed a little at his own misfortune, and the laughter soothed him to sleep, so that he snored all through the night until daylight came.
When Gouie peered over the edge of the pit next morning he exclaimed:
"Why, 'tis Ippi--the Jolly One!"
Keo recognized the scent of a black man and tried to raise his head high enough to bite him. Seeing which Gouie spoke in the hippopotamus language, which he had learned from his grandfather, the sorcerer.
"Have peace, little one; you are my captive."
"Yes; I will have a piece of your leg, if I can reach it," retorted Keo; and then he laughed at his own joke: "Guk-uk-uk-uk!"
But Gouie, being a thoughtful black man, went away without further talk, and did not return until the following morning. When he again leaned over the pit Keo was so weak from hunger that he could hardly laugh at all.
"Do you give up?" asked Gouie, "or do you still wish to fight?"
"What will happen if I give up?" inquired Keo.
The black man scratched his woolly head in perplexity.
"It is hard to say, Ippi. You are too young to work, and if I kill you for food I shall lose your tusks, which are not yet grown. Why, O Jolly One, did you fall into my hole? I wanted to catch your mother or one of your uncles."
"Guk-uk-uk-uk!" laughed Keo. "You must let me go, after all, black man; for I am of no use to you!"
"That I will not do," declared Gouie; "unless," he added, as an afterthought, "you will make a bargain with me."
"Let me hear about the bargain, black one, for I am hungry," said Keo.
"I will let you go if you swear by the tusks of your grandfather that you will return to me in a year and a day and become my prisoner again."
The youthful hippopotamus paused to think, for he knew it was a solemn thing to swear by the tusks of his grandfather; but he was exceedingly hungry, and a year and a day seemed a long time off; so he said, with another careless laugh:
"Very well; if you will now let me go I swear by the tusks of my grandfather to return to you in a year and a day and become your prisoner."
Gouie was much pleased, for he knew that in a year and a day Keo would be almost full grown. So he began digging away one end of the pit and filling it up with the earth until he had made an incline which would allow the hippopotamus to climb out.
Keo was so pleased when he found himself upon the surface of the earth again that he indulged in a merry fit of laughter, after which he said:
"Good-by, Gouie; in a year and a day you will see me again."
Then he waddled away toward the river to see his mother and get his breakfast, and Gouie returned to his village.
During the months that followed, as the black man lay in his hut or hunted in the forest, he heard at times the faraway "Guk-uk-uk-uk!" of the laughing hippopotamus. But he only smiled to himself and thought: "A year and a day will soon pass away!"
Now when Keo returned to his mother safe and well every member of his tribe was filled with joy, for the Jolly One was a general favorite. But when he told them that in a year and a day he must again become the slave of the black man, they began to wail and weep, and so many were their tears that the river rose several inches.
Of course Keo only laughed at their sorrow; but a great meeting of the tribe was called and the matter discussed seriously.
"Having sworn by the tusks of his grandfather," said Uncle Nikki, "he must keep his promise. But it is our duty to try in some way to rescue him from death or a life of slavery."
To this all agreed, but no one could think of any method of saving Keo from his fate. So months passed away, during which all the royal hippopotamuses were sad and gloomy except the Jolly One himself.
Finally but a week of freedom remained to Keo, and his mother, the queen, became so nervous and worried that another meeting of the tribe was called. By this time the laughing hippopotamus had grown to enormous size, and measured nearly fifteen feet long and six feet high, while his sharp tusks were whiter and harder than those of an elephant.
"Unless something is done to save my child," said the mother, "I shall die of grief."
Then some of her relations began to make foolish suggestions; but presently Uncle Nep, a wise and very big hippopotamus, said:
"We must go to Glinkomok and implore his aid."
Then all were silent, for it was a bold thing to face the mighty Glinkomok. But the mother's love was equal to any heroism.
"I will myself go to him, if Uncle Nep will accompany me," she said, quickly.
Uncle Nep thoughtfully patted the soft mud with his fore foot and wagged his short tail leisurely from side to side.
"We have always been obedient to Glinkomok, and shown him great respect," said he. "Therefore I fear no danger in facing him. I will go with you."
All the others snorted approval, being very glad they were not called upon to go themselves.
So the queen and Uncle Nep, with Keo swimming between them, set out upon their journey. They swam up the river all that day and all the next, until they came at sundown to a high, rocky wall, beneath which was the cave where the might Glinkomok dwelt.
This fearful creature was part beast, part man, part fowl and part fish. It had lived since the world began. Through years of wisdom it had become part sorcerer, part wizard, part magician and part fairy. Mankind knew it not, but the ancient beasts knew and feared it.
The three hippopotamuses paused before the cave, with their front feet upon the bank and their bodies in the water, and called in chorus a greeting to Glinkomok. Instantly thereafter the mouth of the cave darkened and the creature glided silently toward them.
The hippopotamuses were afraid to look upon it, and bowed their heads between their legs.
"We come, O Glinkomok, to implore your mercy and friendly assistance!" began Uncle Nep; and then he told the story of Keo's capture, and how he had promised to return to the black man.
"He must keep his promise," said the creature, in a voice that sounded like a sigh.
The mother hippopotamus groaned aloud.
"But I will prepare him to overcome the black man, and to regain his liberty," continued Glinkomok.
Keo laughed.
"Lift your right paw," commanded Glinkomok. Keo obeyed, and the creature touched it with its long, hairy tongue. Then it held four skinny hands over Keo's bowed head and mumbled some words in a language unknown to man or beast or fowl or fish. After this it spoke again in hippopotamese:
"Your skin has now become so tough that no man can hurt you. Your strength is greater than that of ten elephants. Your foot is so swift that you can distance the wind. Your wit is sharper than the bulthorn. Let the man fear, but drive fear from your own breast forever; for of all your race you are the mightiest!"
Then the terrible Glinkomok leaned over, and Keo felt its fiery breath scorch him as it whispered some further instructions in his ear. The next moment it glided back into its cave, followed by the loud thanks of the three hippopotamuses, who slid into the water and immediately began their journey home.
The mother's heart was full of joy; Uncle Nep shivered once or twice as he remembered a glimpse he had caught of Glinkomok; but Keo was as jolly as possible, and, not content to swim with his dignified elders, he dived under their bodies, raced all around them and laughed merrily every inch of the way home.
Then all the tribe held high jinks and praised the mighty Glinkomok for befriending their queen's son. And when the day came for the Jolly One to give himself up to the black man they all kissed him good-by without a single fear for his safety.
Keo went away in good spirits, and they could hear his laughing "guk-uk-uk-uk!" long after he was lost in sight in the jungle.
Gouie had counted the days and knew when to expect Keo; but he was astonished at the monstrous size to which his captive had grown, and congratulated himself on the wise bargain he had made. And Keo was so fat that Gouie determined to eat him--that is, all of him he possibly could, and the remainder of the carcass he would trade off to his fellow villagers.
So he took a knife and tried to stick it into the hippopotamus, but the skin was so tough the knife was blunted against it. Then he tried other means; but Keo remained unhurt.
And now indeed the Jolly One laughed his most gleeful laugh, till all the forest echoed the "guk-uk-uk-uk-uk!" And Gouie decided not to kill him, since that was impossible, but to use him for a beast of burden. He mounted upon Keo's back and commanded him to march. So Keo trotted briskly through the village, his little eyes twinkling with merriment.
The other blacks were delighted with Gouie's captive, and begged permission to ride upon the Jolly One's back. So Gouie bargained with them for bracelets and shell necklaces and little gold ornaments, until he had acquired quite a heap of trinkets. Then a dozen black men climbed upon Keo's back to enjoy a ride, and the one nearest his nose cried out:
"Run, Mud-dog--run!"
And Keo ran. Swift as the wind he strode, away from the village, through the forest and straight up the river bank. The black men howled with fear; the Jolly One roared with laughter; and on, on, on they rushed!
Then before them, on the opposite side of the river, appeared the black mouth of Glinkomok's cave. Keo dashed into the water, dived to the bottom and left the black people struggling to swim out. But Glinkomok had heard the laughter of Keo and knew what to do. When the Jolly One rose to the surface and blew the water from his throat there was no black man to be seen.
Keo returned alone to the village, and Gouie asked, with surprise:
"Where are my brothers:"
"I do not know," answered Keo. "I took them far away, and they remained where I left them."
Gouie would have asked more questions then, but another crowd of black men impatiently waited to ride on the back of the laughing hippopotamus. So they paid the price and climbed to their seats, after which the foremost said:
"Run, mud-wallower--run!"
And Keo ran as before and carried them to the mouth of Glinkomok's cave, and returned alone.
But now Gouie became anxious to know the fate of his fellows, for he was the only black man left in his village. So he mounted the hippopotamus and cried:
"Run, river-hog--run!"
Keo laughed his jolly "guk-uk-uk-uk!" and ran with the speed of the wind. But this time he made straight for the river bank where his own tribe lived, and when he reached it he waded into the river, dived to the bottom and left Gouie floating in the middle of the stream.
The black man began swimming toward the right bank, but there he saw Uncle Nep and half the royal tribe waiting to stamp him into the soft mud. So he turned toward the left bank, and there stood the queen mother and Uncle Nikki, red-eyed and angry, waiting to tear him with their tusks.
Then Gouie uttered loud screams of terror, and, spying the Jolly One, who swam near him, he cried:
"Save me, Keo! Save me, and I will release you from slavery!"
"That is not enough," laughed Keo.
"I will serve you all my life!" screamed Gouie; "I will do everything you bid me!"
"Will you return to me in a year and a day and become my captive, if I allow you to escape?" asked Keo.
"I will! I will! I will!" cried Gouie.
"Swear it by the bones of your grandfather!" commanded Keo, remembering that black men have no tusks to swear by.
And Gouie swore it by the bones of his grandfather.
Then Keo swam to the black one, who clambered upon his back again. In this fashion they came to the bank, where Keo told his mother and all the tribe of the bargain he had made with Gouie, who was to return in a year and a day and become his slave.
Therefore the black man was permitted to depart in peace, and once more the Jolly One lived with his own people and was happy.
When a year and a day had passed Keo began watching for the return of Gouie; but he did not come, then or ever afterwards.
For the black man had made a bundle of his bracelets and shell necklaces and little gold ornaments and had traveled many miles into another country, where the ancient and royal tribe of hippopotamuses was unknown. And he set up for a great chief, because of his riches, and people bowed down before him.
By day he was proud and swaggering. But at night he tumbled and tossed upon his bed and could not sleep. His conscience troubled him.
For he had sworn by the bones of his grandfather; and his grandfather had no bones.
written by Madubuike Michael
I woke up one early morning walking out of my bedroom I could see that it was still dark outside, went straight to my bathroom to take a piss as I usually do every morning.
Mid piss as I was looking out through the window my gaze came to focus on a strange creature on the wall just above the window pane. Startled I ran out straight to my flat mate’s room, of course he was still asleep. I called on him a few times without response,
so I left his room went back to the bathroom, the creature was still there. The color and size of it was the disturbing factor about the creature itself. It was daylight now and I could hear someone coming through the outside gate, so I went out Bisi was just returning from her usual Saturday morning run. A beautiful dark-skinned lady with an incredible shape, I wonder why she works out. As she drew closer, we exchanged pleasantries and I did not hesitate to ask to show her something which she willingly agreed to and followed me into my flat she must have thought I wanted to show her something about a prank on my flat mate which sometimes is the case but not on this occasion. She became a little hesitant when we weren’t going to my guys’ room.
so I left his room went back to the bathroom, the creature was still there. The color and size of it was the disturbing factor about the creature itself. It was daylight now and I could hear someone coming through the outside gate, so I went out Bisi was just returning from her usual Saturday morning run. A beautiful dark-skinned lady with an incredible shape, I wonder why she works out. As she drew closer, we exchanged pleasantries and I did not hesitate to ask to show her something which she willingly agreed to and followed me into my flat she must have thought I wanted to show her something about a prank on my flat mate which sometimes is the case but not on this occasion. She became a little hesitant when we weren’t going to my guys’ room.
‘what’s up now…?’ she asked.
“keep coming” I replied and opened my bathroom door. She looked at me with expectation then I gestured to her to go into the bathroom. In there she was, and then asked what she was looking for, then I told her to look at the wall above the bathroom window. She did, strangely enough the creature was still there. She ran out also almost in the same reaction as me when I initially saw the creature.
‘What in the world is that?’ she asked.
‘That’s what I called you for, to come take look and may be tell what it is’; I replied.
She shuddered in disgust and went out of my flat. I went to my store room to get something to kill it with, upon my return I saw three more people including my flat mate, he was finally up.
‘What’s going on?’, he asked with his tooth brush in his hands. Bisi had returned with her room-mate and Mr. Chidi the only married guy in the compound. His excuse was that he heard Bisi telling her friend about a strange thing she saw in my room that he came to see for himself.
In the light of this, I decided to address the little crowed in my sitting room;
‘Alright good people, calm down it’s not a matter of national security, everything is actually under control. As you can see in my hand I have something to take care of the situation.’
‘Wait let us see it first’ said Mr. Chidi who walked straight to where the creature was and asked if that which we were making a fuss about was what he was looking at.
‘Yes, Sir.’ I responded only for him to sigh shake his head and left my flat without a word. Bisi’s room-mate also went in to see what it was, soon after she let out a loud laugh. Just then the creature took flight, the loud sound must have disturbed it. Bisi’s roomy whom I thought was not afraid ran out of the bathroom screaming. Bisi was already out of the flat in like two seconds. Damn! she’s fast. The creature’s flight path was a little ziggy-zaggy, so to say but as it flew to my general direction I raised my insecticide spray, one squeeze of the nozzle and the creature went down, I applied two more sprays to where it landed and the creature was lifeless. Instant Victory! With smile on my face I raised my head only to see my flat mate staring at me with a mouth full of paste. He must have been thinking about how big a goof I was. The creature was a mosquito, a green mosquito. Strange, isn’t it?
written by Madubuike Michael
In a land far away, but not so far away, somewhere in Edo state, in one of its most remote villages. There lived a very obstinate boy called Nosa. Nosa was a pupil of Uwelu primary School who was always arriving at school late, not doing his assignments and most of the time rude to his teachers. Just like his father he was a bully too, harassing other pupils and taking their lunch money from them.
At that time, there was an influx of youth corps members into the area of which most
were deployed as teachers into the public primary and secondary schools. Wale was one of the corps member deployed, an intelligent, tall dark handsome young man known for his womanizing character and at the same time a tough as nails kind of guy.
were deployed as teachers into the public primary and secondary schools. Wale was one of the corps member deployed, an intelligent, tall dark handsome young man known for his womanizing character and at the same time a tough as nails kind of guy.
Corps member Wale was deployed to Uwelu primary school as an assistant classroom teacher, but , the assisting corps members/teachers are usually left to do the job alone. One day during class half way through the school day, a dirty looking and sweating boy walked into the classroom and straight to one of the sits pushing off the occupant he sat down
“Why you si- don for my shiar, you tin say I no go come. Abeg sharap.”
He reached out grabbed a female pupils water bottle (an eva water 60 cl bottle), without hesitation chugged down the content.
“weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” cried the little bottle owner.
“Uncle corper he drin my wa-ter, him” pointing at the dark, smelly sweaty boy siting and starring at the new teacher at a corner in front of the class.
“Hey! You! stand up my friend!” Yelled the teacher at the boy who remained sitting and starring at the young man sitting at the corner with his white and green corps member shirt.
“Are you deaf? I said stand up!”
Reluctantly, the boy stood up from his seat looking around at his classmates.
“Ahn ahn wetin I do. I jus dey si-don my own oh!” said the sweaty boy with outstretched hands as is if speaking the truth.
“Come out here, kneel down and close your eyes. You will explain to me where you are coming from, why you are so sweaty and dirty-looking and why you are such a liar. I said come out now!” said teacher with a stern voice.
The boy then slowly and sluggishly came out. Took him almost a minute to completely comply to the teachers’ command.
While on his knees and his supposedly raised hands directly on top of his head, he was busy making funny faces at the other pupils who laughed at the shapes his face took when he squeezed his lips and made a crossed eye. The laughter from the pupils disturbed the young teacher who was busy grading a math test he had conducted earlier that day.
‘Hey! Big head, what is your name?’ asked the teacher who suddenly took interest in the boy kneeling down in front of the class. The teacher stood up and walked towards the boy who remained silent to the question.
‘I said what-is-your-name? or are you deaf?’ the boy refused to answer, seconds later someone from the class said his name.
‘Uncle corper, his name is Osborne’ said Onome, the pupil he had earlier taken water from forcefully.
‘What a nice name for such a stubborn boy. Oya! Give me your hand. I will give you 12 strokes of the cane for coming late to school and taking from someone without asking.’ ‘didn’t you hear me?’ Asked the teacher almost angrily. The boy stretched out his hands, and down came the already raised cane, six times but the boy did not flinch or grimace in pain. One would say he took it like a man. History has it that he was always getting whipped by his teachers for his truancy and rude behavior. While the cane was doing its damage to his hands, his gaze was fixed on the poor girl who had said his name. I wonder what kind of terror he was conceiving to inflict on the girl.
‘Now go to your seat, I don’t want to hear pim from you’ said the teacher who rushed to pick up the ringing cell phone on his desk.
Osborne already sitting in his desk was fuming with rage, breathing heavily like a raging bull. He turned and looked at the girl who was already scared and said,
‘you call my name, hmm… you don die...’
With his red eyes, he was staring at the dusty blue and white clock hanging on the wall opposite the teacher’s desk, the clock said seven minutes before two that afternoon. Minutes later, a skinny boy came out to the open field with dying out grasses carrying a big gold colored bell with a brown handle.
‘Gbagam! Gbagam! Gbagam! Gbagam!’ rang the bell for close to thirty seconds. Immediately pupils rushed out of their class rooms running and screaming for joy, from where I was standing it felt like the gates of a prison yard was opened and the inmates were making their way out with so much joy, but it was just another end of a school day.
Osborne ran out of the classroom before everybody else, scared Onome was slowly packing her books and looking around at the other pupils who were also running out of the classroom.
Slithering by the outside walls of her classroom was Onome looking around to spot Osborne in the diminishing crowed to plan a route out of school without being seen by her antagonist. On her face, you can see the disappointment of being in a class that was the most farthest from the school gate. Seeing that she was some meters away from the exit, she made a dash for it, mid-sprint a dark sweaty boy closed in on her and bashed on the back of the head with an empty dry gin bottle, and down she went not knowing what hit her.
‘You ge- bi-mouth, you dey call my name. I don catch you now. Talk na! talk! I go scatter your small head for you’ growled angry Osborne trying to catch his breath.
‘Osanobua! That evil just hit that little girl on the head with a bottle’ exclaimed an elderly teacher who was on her way home. The other teachers who heard her shout came out to see the boy who was busy kicking the young girl while on the ground crying with blood gushing from her head like it was the fountain of youth.
‘Catch that boy! Catch am! Catch am! Catch am!’ yelled corps member, Wale who was already running towards the scene to get hold of the bully. The boys who were playing football on an open space near the school gate ran after the bully who already sprinted away out through the gate, across the busy high way, through the small market comprised of small lock-up shops, the other pupils on the chase. Osborne being a fast runner out ran everyone chasing him, he ran and ran without looking back until he found himself in the middle of a thick forest, known by all to be a forbidden place. It was marked forbidden by the elders of the land after several disappearances of women and children who had gone in the forest to get firewood.
Osborne then realized he was far out from human habitation and out of fear began running back the way he came. As he ran he would hear human voices at a distance and run even faster to see if they can direct him on the right path but saw no one. He was lost. He wandered the forest for hours until he saw a huge mango tree with a lot of ripe mangoes on it. With a smile on his face he climbed the tree and ate as many mangoes as he can.
It was now getting dark, strange noises filled the air, from the cries and calls of strange looking birds to calls of human who he did not see each time he ran to the direction of the call. As he roamed the forest floors he stepped on something cold under the bushes that wriggled away quickly, on a clearer view of the object, behold it was a pregnant snake. Scared out of wits he ran like deer being chased by a tiger with an uncontrollable speed that he swung himself on a tree face first and knocked himself out.
Hours later when he slowly came to, he could make out a strange shape of what looked like human being but when his sight became clearer he could see a ghostly man with his face scraped off, no eyes and nose, just bloody flesh covered in maggots.
‘You ate my mango’ said the ghostly face. ‘Now I will eat your face in return’
as the phantom opened his wide mouth filled with scattered sharp and decaying teeth to bite his face off, the perplexed Osborne let out a loud scream.
Till today people still say they hear his screams when they pass by the forest.
Rumor has it that if you call his name three times on very dark night on the villages masquerade day, that he’ll appear and eat your face off.
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