I woke up one early morning walking out of my bedroom I could see that it was still dark outside, went straight to my bathroom to take a piss as I usually do every morning.
Mid piss as I was looking out through the window my gaze came to focus on a strange creature on the wall just above the window pane. Startled I ran out straight to my flat mate’s room, of course he was still asleep. I called on him a few times without response,
so I left his room went back to the bathroom, the creature was still there. The color and size of it was the disturbing factor about the creature itself. It was daylight now and I could hear someone coming through the outside gate, so I went out Bisi was just returning from her usual Saturday morning run. A beautiful dark-skinned lady with an incredible shape, I wonder why she works out. As she drew closer, we exchanged pleasantries and I did not hesitate to ask to show her something which she willingly agreed to and followed me into my flat she must have thought I wanted to show her something about a prank on my flat mate which sometimes is the case but not on this occasion. She became a little hesitant when we weren’t going to my guys’ room.

‘what’s up now…?’ she asked.
“keep coming” I replied and opened my bathroom door. She looked at me with expectation then I gestured to her to go into the bathroom. In there she was, and then asked what she was looking for, then I told her to look at the wall above the bathroom window. She did, strangely enough the creature was still there. She ran out also almost in the same reaction as me when I initially saw the creature.
‘What in the world is that?’  she asked.
‘That’s what I called you for, to come take look and may be tell what it is’; I replied.
She shuddered in disgust and went out of my flat. I went to my store room to get something to kill it with, upon my return I saw three more people including my flat mate, he was finally up.
‘What’s going on?’, he asked with his tooth brush in his hands. Bisi had returned with her room-mate and Mr. Chidi the only married guy in the compound. His excuse was that he heard Bisi telling her friend about a strange thing she saw in my room that he came to see for himself.
In the light of this, I decided to address the little crowed in my sitting room;
‘Alright good people, calm down it’s not a matter of national security, everything is actually under control. As you can see in my hand I have something to take care of the situation.’
‘Wait let us see it first’ said Mr. Chidi who walked straight to where the creature was and asked if that which we were making a fuss about was what he was looking at.

‘Yes, Sir.’ I responded only for him to sigh shake his head and left my flat without a word. Bisi’s room-mate also went in to see what it was, soon after she let out a loud laugh. Just then the creature took flight, the loud sound must have disturbed it. Bisi’s roomy whom I thought was not afraid ran out of the bathroom screaming. Bisi was already out of the flat in like two seconds. Damn! she’s fast. The creature’s flight path was a little ziggy-zaggy, so to say but as it flew to my general direction I raised my insecticide spray, one squeeze of the nozzle and the creature went down, I applied two more sprays to where it landed and the creature was lifeless.  Instant Victory! With smile on my face I raised my head only to see my flat mate staring at me with a mouth full of paste. He must have been thinking about how big a goof I was. The creature was a mosquito, a green mosquito. Strange, isn’t it?

Madubuike N Michael

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