
Think and Act Positively

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Make The Difference

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Nigerian Hero Foils Robbery Attack 

Nigerian Man Foils Robbery Attack In Italy, Gets Rewarded With A Residence Permit (Video)

31-year old Nigerian, John Ogah has been specially recognized and rewarded by the Italian government for his bravery after thwarting a robbery attack in Italy. He gets rewarded With a residence permit.
In a CCTV footage posted online, the Nigerian man who is from Benin, Edo state, was seen fighting a weapon-wielding robber who invaded a supermarket along with his gang for an operation.
The world can be a better place if everyone does or tries to do at least one good deed every day. I'm just saying.
See robbery footage below,

Success Quotes

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Success Quotes


Success is life altering. The idea of being and feeling successful enriches lives. People nurture all kinds of dreams and aspirations into what they love. The efforts they put in to achieve results manifest in fruitful results.

Success is empowering, motivating and full of revelations. While it is difficult to attain success, we constantly look for everyday inspiration in our daily lives that drives us to perform towards our goals.


Go to bed with these words in mind;

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Success Quotes

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Success Quotes

17 Motivational Quotes to Help You Achieve Your Dreams


By Steven Bartlett,

Stop thinking and Start doing

Chimamanda Adichie receives Honorary Degree in Edinburgh University, Scotland

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie receives Honorary Degree in Edinburgh University, Scotland - BellaNaija

Top Nigerian aurhor and short story writer Chimamanda  Adichie Ngozi has been honored by Edinburgh UniversityScotland with an honorary degree.
She received the Honorary Degree of Doctor of Letters at the University’s recently redeveloped St Cecilia’s Hall – Scotland’s oldest concert hall.
The award was presented to her by the University’s Principal and Vice Chancellor, Professor Sir Timothy O’Shea.
Receiving the honorary degree in recognition of her achievements as an author and public intellectual, she said:
"It is lovely to be in this place, which is hallowed. I feel very fortunate to be included among the people who have been honoured with a degree from this University."

Meet Ikeoluwa Abioye who scored 9 A's in WAEC and 305 in JAMB

Beauty & Brains: Meet Ikeoluwa Abioye 15-year-old Student Who Scored 9 A1 In WAEC & 305 In JAMB

A 15 year old Nigerian student, Ikeoluwa Abioye has made her loved ones proud of her after scoring 9 A1s in the 2017 May/June West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE).

Abioye scored A1 in all the 9 subjects she wrote.

The subjects include Maths, English, Further Maths, Chemistry, Physics, Civic, Catering, Biology and ICT.
The brilliant lad did not stop there as she scored an amazing 305 in the last Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME).
The 15 year old was recently celebrated and honoured by her alma mater, Starfield Schools, Iju, Lagos.

She said, if sponsored, she would love to go to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) or Harvard University to study Computer Engineering.

The Belief system

This is what I do everyday. When I wake in the morning I tell myself that it is going to be a beautiful day. 

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Gospel Singer Gbolahan Odukoya and wife Welcome Baby Girl after 9 Years

Gospel singer Gbolahan Odukoya has announced the delivery of his baby girl after 9 years of waiting and 2 failed attempts at IVF. Gbolahan made the announcement on Instagram, sharing a photo of his baby with the caption:

Be unrelentingly persistent

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Your strength

21 Motivational Quotes About Strength

23 years old Nigerian bags 3 first - class degrees

A 23 years old Nigerian, Onoriode Reginalsd Aziza bags 3 first-class degrees from OAU, Nigerian Law school and Cambrigde University.

He had this to say:

I Was Never a Genius

After strenuous struggles at the prestigious Kings College Lagos, I was admitted to study law in Obafemi Awolowo University at 15. Young, naïve and free-spirited, I took up the challenge of studying law – and a daunting challenge it was! My initial years were rough. I initially had a writing style used across all examinations, but wildly fluctuating grades quickly taught me to pick courses only after careful enquiry, and tailor examination answers to the tastes of the particular lecturers. After initial skirmishes with unpleasant grades, I later became consistent and my CGPA hovered around a 4.4 from the second semester of my third year until my very last result. The fact that I am the only first class graduate of the Faculty of Law in the last four years confirms the difficulty of the task.

The Daunting Feat of Law School

Proceeding to the Nigerian Law School at 20 presented even more challenges: I was forced to compete with my colleagues in the Yenagoa Campus and with the five other campuses of the Law School system; I was exposed to seminar-styled lectures sometimes running into six hours in length with only a thirty minute break, as opposed to the maximum of two-hours I was accustomed to in the university; I was compelled to challenge myself on a national scale against the best and brightest of students around Nigeria; and I was constantly reminded that as the best graduating law student from OAU, I had to replicate this excellence on a national scale. I had the benefit of fantastic lecturers at the Yenagoa Campus of the Law School who showed me the nuances of the system and how to make the most of it. After ceaseless hours of working through the year and during the externship programs, I sat the bar examinations and made my 2nd first-class and finished as the second best in Nigeria.

I recall joking with my friends that whilst I do not have the dexterity of Lionel Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo on a football pitch, I may have the ability to score a hat-trick of first-class results. The Faculty of Law, University of Cambridge was the venue, the flagship Masters of Corporate Law (MCL) Degree was the target and I prepared myself for an epic battle of intellect.


Funding a Masters in Cambridge is a big issue. Prior to resumption, and facing the prospects of having my admission revoked, I wrote ceaselessly to prominent Nigerians, Senior Advocates, Governors, Ministers and Governments, requesting funds and promising to be bonded in service to them or to the country upon my return if granted the funds. As expected, my entreaties were met with a mixture of deafening silence and tenuous, pontifical excuses. Thankfully, I finally secured a scholarship just in time to commence the program.

Cambridge and the MCL brought competing to an entirely new level. The minimum eligibility requirement to take the MCL was a first class in the university, and the course admits a maximum of 25 students in the world. With an eventual cohort of 23 students spread through 16 countries and all continents, including students who had concluded doctoral programs, and students working in the Central Banks and Securities Commissions of their home countries, I had no doubt that around and beside me were some of the best and brightest brains in their respective countries. The prospect of learning with and competing against them was scary and refreshing in equal measure. Whilst realism told me it would be difficult, optimism told me it is possible.

Lionel Messi of Academic Excellence! Hello Hat-trick

From my first breath in Cambridge on September 29th 2014 to my final examination on June 5th 2015, I was motivated by a single goal: ensure the world knows that the best students in Nigeria can compete with, and excel against the best students in the world. I had no precedents to work with as none of my friends who had finished from Cambridge before me made a first-class. Fortunately, I was classmates with an amazing senior colleague of mine from OAU (who like me, also made the first class in Cambridge). His presence gave me a compass with which to navigate the academic seas of Cambridge amidst the tumultuous waves of a crashing Naira exchange rate, without sinking my boat.

Whilst ensuring a realistic sense of what was important, I ensured I made the most of Cambridge. I traveled, met new people, explored and experimented (sometimes determining not to eat the cuisine of one country more than once in a particular week)! I secured vacation placements with law-firms in London, attended balls, garden parties and formal dinners, undertook a pro-bono project with the Law Faculty, served food to the homeless on the streets of Cambridge, and locked myself in the library when needed. At the end of the second term, of my 4 courses, I had secured 3 first class results and 1 first class with distinction. Mathematically, even with a term left, the deal had been done, and nothing but an absolute shipwreck in my final term could deny me the hat-trick. The final term went just as well as the previous terms and finally, the results were officially released: I had my 3rd first-class in the bag, and I was just 23! The 1st first-class felt good, the 2nd first class felt great; the 3rd was outright emotional: saying I was on the Mt. Everest of ecstasy does not do justice to the feeling!

Keep Raising the Bar

Borrowing from the wisdom of an old English judge, it appears that those with a taste for fairytales seem to think that in some Aladdin’s cave, there is hidden a virtue variously called ‘natural talent’ or ‘genius’ and something in the art of reproduction confers it on some children and not on others, which makes them excel better than others. Whilst I cannot attest to the truthfulness of this claim in other disciplines, I know it is non-existent in law. I can attest to the fact that I was born with no knowledge of commercial law, civil litigation, or competition law: knowledge of the law resides in the pages of books. I thus believe, as did Justice Melville Fuller of the US Supreme Court, that “the world furnishes many examples of the superiority of the truly earnest and laborious mind over the merely intellectual.” Academic excellence therefore does not reside in in-born gifts but in unrepentant effort. Irrespective of your circumstances, I urge you to set the goal, raise the bar, and pursue. Dreams are neither too big nor goals too high, but minds are either too small to conceive them or arms too short to achieve them. Yes, you can!

Man builds solar powered tricycle in Lagos
A solar powered tricycle known in locally as ‘Keke Napep’ was seen at the Yaba area of Lagos State. The man who built it drove it to the Yaba area to flaunt his work.

Your decisions are yours to make. Its your life, decide how you want it to be. Your choice may not work out that time, but your discipline will make you achieve.

Governor of Enugu Offers Scholarship to best graduating Student who cleared WAEC in all A's

The reward for working hard is usually great. Governor Ugwuanyi of Enugu state has offered scholarship to Miss Cynthia Chinemerem Ali, a student who made straight A's in WAEC to any University of her choice.
Cynthia Ali is the best graduating student of Shalom Academy Nsukka in 2017. 

The state government also resolved to present the student with a certificate of honour in further recognition of her outstanding academic performance.

The Education Commissioner, who briefed journalists in company with the Commissioner for Information, Mr. Ogbuagu Anikwe and the Special Adviser on Education, Dr. Sam Ugwu, alongside the parents and management of the school, added that Miss Cynthia has made the state proud and deserves the recognition and support of the state government.
He stated that the recognition was also a means of motivation and to encourage others to work hard to excel in their academic endeavors and continue to make their families and state proud.
The government charged her to remain committed to the pursuit of academic excellence, describing her as “a role model”.
Miss Cynthia, an 18-year-old indigene of Enugu State hails from Umuagama, Enugu Ezike in Igbo Eze North Local Government Area, has one of the best WAEC results in the State, South East geo-political zone and the country at large.
Enugu Governor Ifeanyi Ugwuanyi offers Girl who bagged all A's in her WAEC Scholarship - BellaNaija
She has applied to study Medicine and Surgery in the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN).
To make this more motivational, it will be a good idea if the state governments of Nigeria can make this a routine. There are other students within the country that have this same kind of excellent result. Make them recognized too, it will go a long way. 


Creativity starts from believe,
believing in yourself,
believing in the possibility of achieving something great.

Please watch and start believing.


Hard work can be described as a herculean task. Something that requires great effort and endurance both physically and mentally, while working hard is the attribute to persistently commit immense effort and endurance until success is achieved. They don’t necessarily mean the same thing.

What do I mean by "Working hard not really being hard work?"

When you work very hard on something you love, on a project you’ve dreamt about for so long to achieve, the ideas to apply comes to you easily. You apply yourself in brilliant ways which you did not realize was in you. You enjoy what you do and strive to do more despite the difficulties being faced. When you find joy in going the extra mile to make yourself unique – hard work becomes easy.

Growing up as a kid and even as an adult we learn that working hard will lead to success. Of course, most people set out to different spheres of activities, business or otherwise, and give it their all expecting a turn around and not achieving. Disappointment abounds.


Reason No: 1

You need to understand that different spheres of endeavors need different levels of persistence and discipline (hard work) to achieve the goal which is expected. For instance; An individual can study medicine in the university and work hard for eight years or more to become a licensed medical practitioner, so also can another study and work hard to become a fashion designer (tailor) for about a year or two and become a master in his trade. These two groups of people worked hard at different levels. The doctor happens to have worked may be not harder but longer. The higher the achievement, the harder or longer the work needed to achieve success. Do not measure yourself with those you started the race with, although we are all running but we all are running at different pace. The idea is to keep going until you get there.

Reason No: 2

Have you been working hard for too long on something you know you shouldn't have worked that much to become successful. It seems like nothing is working out.  My dear, it is not always an evil uncle, aunt, step-father or whoever. Sometimes the problem is you. How? You ask. Are you directing your effort at the right venture? In clearer terms, are you working hard at the right thing or in the right direction?
As I stated earlier, when you work hard on the right project, on something you love doing, working hard seems less hard and becomes easy for you. Now if you are working hard on an assumed calling, you may end up working decades with nothing to show. Find that mission that you are here to perform, and work at perfecting it. Discover yourself, your potential, your ability. Develop your ideas, even if it's not yours, make it better if it is line with your own calling. Seek pointers from established individuals in the fields your striving at, have a mentor you can relate with.

Chase your own dreams, don't chase other people’s dreams so as not to end up in disappointment.

Every human being has at least one gift/talent that they can use to better themselves. Find yours.


The following conversation took place between a grandmother and her grand-daughter.
Grandma: “Zainab, where are you going?”
Zainab: “Grandma, I am going to School.
Grandma: “Really? Please come and sit down and let's talk for a minute before you go. I think we still have ample time before the Lecture begins? Don't we?”
Zainab: “Yes, about an hour.”
Grandma: “The way you are dressed, in fact, you look very sexy.”
Zainab: (Smiling) “Thank you very much ma.”
Grandma: “Hmmm. Zainab, I can see you love that compliment. Please tell me, do you need someone to have sex with you?”
Zainab: “Ooh, no! Grandma. Why this question?”
Grandma: “If you do not need someone to have sex with you, then, why do you dress 'sexy'?”
Zainab: “There's nothing to worry about, Grannie. I just want to....”
Grandma: (cuts in) ... “dressed to kill, as usual! Zainab, a Godly girl should never feel proud or swollen-headed when someone tells her that she looks 'sexy'. In fact, it's a very bad and insulting compliment.
“The intention of dressing sexy is to arouse men, That's all. That's the reason why prostitutes dress this way. They dress this way because they want someone to have sex with them and pay them. They do everything possible to 'look sexy' and attractive - not to just one person, but to the entire men in town.
“They expose their breasts, they wear things that will reveal all their endowed curves -- and even private parts of their body -- Just to ‘look sexy’ and attractive to men, so that they will not rest until they have a carnal knowledge of them, for money. Please, Zainab, are you also trying to look that way so that you will be attractive to men for sex?”
Zainab looked down, and was speechless.
Grandma: (continues) “This is the reason why you are not getting a husband. Do you still wonder why suitable suitors rush to take you to bed... then, after saying *'you are hot,'* they dump you? They feel that you cannot stay with *'one man'* alone. Do you now realise that I, your grandma, am not the one using witchcraft against you?
“You are young, fit and attractive, although you are a Muslim yet you always look so worldly. When you dress like this to School, the probability of bringing even the lecturer down is very high. But remember that 'woe betide the one by whom a righteous man is made to fall...'I know you can remember this scripture very well. Well, my beloved grand-daughter, I am done. You can now go.
Zainab: “Thank you very much, Grandma. I have never looked at it like this before. From today onwards, I promise never to dress again *to look sexy*. I will rather dress to *please Allah (SWT)* and *glorify Allah* with my dressing. Thank you very much ma.
Grandma: “You are welcome, my dear.”
(Seeing that Zainab started going towards her room, she said). “But, are you not going to school anymore?”
Zainab: “I will go Grannie. I just want to change my dress, first.”
Grandma: “May God bless you for doing that.”

Please share on to the females in your lives including wives, daughters, sisters, nieces, cousins, next door neighbors, friends, etc.
Most girls do not have someone to tell them the truth. Encourage them to read and react to it -- just as Zainab did -- because ‘We Are Addressed the Way We Dress.’
 Let us dress right to reflect the Godliness in our lives.

What's your relevance?

Sometime ago in an interview I was asked what I am about. I responded then to the question the best way I could even if deep down I knew I must have given a wrong response.

Months later, I started asking myself the same question. 
"What have I got to offer?"
 "What am I about?"
 "What exactly is in me that makes me unique?"
 "What ways can I make a major difference?". For days and weeks I pondered, what is my relevance in this life?

The answers started coming to me slowly after listening to some inspirational talks on the internet.

· What do I do that makes me happy?
· What do I do with so much ease and contentment that gives a satisfactory outcome?
· What is that thing you do so well that people know you for?

That's how you know what you are about. That’s how you know what you have to offer. More importantly, that’s what makes you who you are.

No matter how little or 'unserious' it may seem. Believe in yourself. With hard work, application of innovative ideas and a little prayer, it will definitely become something big. Do not venture into things because others are doing it, be yourself, do your own thing in your own way. Come up with ordinary things and make them extra-ordinary.

I hear some of my friends say that every body can not become bosses when I talk about self reliance and innovative creativity for self development and societal development as a whole. But I say, we do not have enough bosses yet to make better things to start happening in our societies. Become a boss today, work hard for it, even if you are a graduate, its not late to learn a type of 'handwork'. You have worked hard to make your employer rich but only getting pittance in return. There's a saying which goes "If you do not work hard to build and achieve your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs."
It will take time, discipline, diligence and perseverance, don't give up on the way. Become a boss. Just become your own boss. You are worth more than you know. There is no limit to our strength to achieve. 


These days scientist have discovered that our emotions sometimes trigger changes in our conscious realities. If you have by any chance noticed, you will see that when you start your day in a bad mood, the rest of your day will most times not go so well. And if you start with a smile, good fortune also smiles back at you. If you go to sleep worried, you
will wake up worried and in a mess, utterly in a disarray.You will also notice a high level of clumsiness. One of the reason being that you did not get
enough rest. But when you go to bed happy, you wake up happy.

Fear is another thing also. The things or circumstances we fear mostly and constantly remember do come to pass in the long run.

There is power in positive thinking. Positive thinking makes you display positive attitude, and the display of positive attitude will always get you a positive response or feedback. From the law of attraction, a book I read which was about the power positive thinking explains that, if you as an individual practice positive thinking, you give off positive energy (which is sometimes seen in your confidence) that helps you achieve your goal without much difficulties. And also, If you hold on to a thought long enough, it will come to pass. Your mind is a thought generator, control it.

If you think good, you will get good in return but if you fill your mind with negative or bad thoughts, those thoughts may start manifesting without you knowing that you are the one bringing it upon your beautiful self.

So, when you wake up each morning, start with a smile then think positive thoughts. Hold on long enough to that positive thought, as long as you can before you begin the days work and see the magic unfold. 

Your mind is a very power weapon. Use it wisely.

Whenever the unpleasant situation arise, just know that it always has an expiry date.

by Madubuike Michael
One day a young man decided to tell his father that he was ready to leave his house to continue on his own as a man. The father was proud of his sons' decision and encouraged him by giving him some of the things he might need on his journey to becoming a

The day came, the young man was set, ready to go on his journey. Bade his father farewell and hurried to the edge of the cliff where their house was. As he stood on the cliff edge he could see the wonders of the world, its beauty, its riches, its opportunities. He looked up to the skies it was clear and flight friendly. The young man took some steps back to make a good run before he took off into the skies, at that moment he took one last look at what he was leaving behind, he saw his old father watching him with a smile on his face and then gave a nod as if to say, 'it was fine to take off'. Just then the young man ran so fast to the edge of the cliff and leaped in to the air. As he free fell through the skies he could feel the air of freedom, he could feel the wind on his face, he could feel the strength in his wings as he descended. He stretched out his wings and flew so high into the skies making a spiral movement as he went. from the distance, he could hear his fathers' voice calling out to him, encouraging him to fly as high as his wings can carry him. The young man continued ascending into skies, just then an arrow came from nowhere straight through his wings and damaged them. 

He was free falling again, this time uncontrollably. The fall was so fast that he could not even flap his wings to slow himself from hitting the ground too hard. At the last moment, a strong wind blew under him, helped raised what was left of his wings and broke his fall. He landed roughly but on his feet. 

On the ground, a desolate land, it was dark everywhere, the young man looked up, the skies were still clear but he has lost the power of flight. He looked around in fear and confusion, did not know which way to go. He looked through the way he came and called out to his father.

"Father, I have fallen and my wings have been damaged, I am afraid and do not know which way to go." His father heard his voice and answered him. 
"My son, I know, I saw for myself what happened. Do not be afraid. As long your legs are okay make a run for it, run as fast as your legs can carry you. Look around and follow the light."

Just then, the young man looked around saw a ray of light in the darkness and walked towards, when he had a clearer view of where the light was coming from and made a run for it.

He ran and ran and ran until his feet were no longer touching the ground. He could feel the wind again on his face and the strength on his legs as he ran. From a distant a big boulder came flying at him and hit him on the legs. He crashed quite badly to the ground. He had now tasted the dust of the ground which he detests. Again, he cried out to his father in pain.

"Father, I have fallen down again, my legs are broken. I am afraid and confused. Do not know if I can continue." 
"My son, I know. I saw that you were knocked down. Keep moving, do not lose sight of the light"

The young man bounded the broken leg and began crawling through the bushes, looking up momentarily to see the ray of light. The journey this time was herculean, he fended off snakes, scorpions, spiders, ants and other small wild animals that came at him while he crawled through the dark forest. He is injured, weak and tired, lying on the ground now contemplating giving up. He heard a voice within him say "keep moving" so he continued crawling very slowly his arms and feet were sore and heavy but he continued. Not seeing where he was going he fell through an opening on the forest floor, tumbled down hard and fell splash into a water body. He sank below, passed out, then that same little voice within spoke again "Wake up! You are here." The young man opened his eyes, swam up to the shallow part of the river. As he crawled up from the river, he could feel himself regaining his strength, the pain in his leg was gone. He stood up from the ground, the air here was better and the skies were brighter. Looking around he could see beautiful structures like the one he left behind only much more beautiful. The young man moved closer to take a better view of the new land he had arrived at. From left to right the land was beautiful, the houses beautiful, the people beautiful and the opportunities to take and better ones living bountiful. He took in a whiff of the scented air and said to himself "I have arrived at my dream." 

The moral of the story here is to keep moving. If you are going through hell now, keep moving because the more you move, the closer you are to escaping it. If you stop moving, I guess you already know the answer to that.
Just keep moving


A little inspiration will get you going. But first, you have to believe in your abilities as a human to achieve any great feat you set yourself to achieve. Then you get up off your behind and do something. Not just anything but something extraordinary.

Set yourself apart from the rest, by doing what you know best, that will make you the best out of the rest.
J.F Kennedy didn't write this,

Michael M did!

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