Hard work can be described as a herculean task. Something that requires great effort and endurance both physically and mentally, while working hard is the attribute to persistently commit immense effort and endurance until success is achieved. They don’t necessarily mean the same thing.

What do I mean by "Working hard not really being hard work?"

When you work very hard on something you love, on a project you’ve dreamt about for so long to achieve, the ideas to apply comes to you easily. You apply yourself in brilliant ways which you did not realize was in you. You enjoy what you do and strive to do more despite the difficulties being faced. When you find joy in going the extra mile to make yourself unique – hard work becomes easy.

Growing up as a kid and even as an adult we learn that working hard will lead to success. Of course, most people set out to different spheres of activities, business or otherwise, and give it their all expecting a turn around and not achieving. Disappointment abounds.


Reason No: 1

You need to understand that different spheres of endeavors need different levels of persistence and discipline (hard work) to achieve the goal which is expected. For instance; An individual can study medicine in the university and work hard for eight years or more to become a licensed medical practitioner, so also can another study and work hard to become a fashion designer (tailor) for about a year or two and become a master in his trade. These two groups of people worked hard at different levels. The doctor happens to have worked may be not harder but longer. The higher the achievement, the harder or longer the work needed to achieve success. Do not measure yourself with those you started the race with, although we are all running but we all are running at different pace. The idea is to keep going until you get there.

Reason No: 2

Have you been working hard for too long on something you know you shouldn't have worked that much to become successful. It seems like nothing is working out.  My dear, it is not always an evil uncle, aunt, step-father or whoever. Sometimes the problem is you. How? You ask. Are you directing your effort at the right venture? In clearer terms, are you working hard at the right thing or in the right direction?
As I stated earlier, when you work hard on the right project, on something you love doing, working hard seems less hard and becomes easy for you. Now if you are working hard on an assumed calling, you may end up working decades with nothing to show. Find that mission that you are here to perform, and work at perfecting it. Discover yourself, your potential, your ability. Develop your ideas, even if it's not yours, make it better if it is line with your own calling. Seek pointers from established individuals in the fields your striving at, have a mentor you can relate with.

Chase your own dreams, don't chase other people’s dreams so as not to end up in disappointment.

Every human being has at least one gift/talent that they can use to better themselves. Find yours.

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