What's your Relevance

Sometime ago in an interview I was asked what I am about. I responded then to the question the best way I could even if deep down I knew I must have given a wrong response.

Months later, I started asking myself the same question. 
"What have I got to offer?"
 "What am I about?"
 "What exactly is in me that makes me unique?"
 "What ways can I make a major difference?". For days and weeks I pondered, what is my relevance in this life?

The answers started coming to me slowly after listening to some inspirational talks on the internet.

· What do I do that makes me happy?
· What do I do with so much ease and contentment that gives a satisfactory outcome?
· What is that thing you do so well that people know you for?

That's how you know what you are about. That’s how you know what you have to offer. More importantly, that’s what makes you who you are.

No matter how little or 'unserious' it may seem. Believe in yourself. With hard work, application of innovative ideas and a little prayer, it will definitely become something big. Do not venture into things because others are doing it, be yourself, do your own thing in your own way. Come up with ordinary things and make them extra-ordinary.

I hear some of my friends say that every body can not become bosses when I talk about self reliance and innovative creativity for self development and societal development as a whole. But I say, we do not have enough bosses yet to make better things to start happening in our societies. Become a boss today, work hard for it, even if you are a graduate, its not late to learn a type of 'handwork'. You have worked hard to make your employer rich but only getting pittance in return. There's a saying which goes "If you do not work hard to build and achieve your dreams, someone else will hire you to build theirs."
It will take time, discipline, diligence and perseverance, don't give up on the way. Become a boss. Just become your own boss. You are worth more than you know. There is no limit to our strength to achieve. 

1 comment:

  1. "...we do not have enough bosses yet to make better things to start happening in our societies." True words - Very True words.
