These days scientist have discovered that our emotions sometimes trigger changes in our conscious realities. If you have by any chance noticed, you will see that when you start your day in a bad mood, the rest of your day will most times not go so well. And if you start with a smile, good fortune also smiles back at you. If you go to sleep worried, you will wake up worried and in a mess, utterly in a disarray.You will also notice a high level of clumsiness. One of the reason being that you did not get
enough rest. But when you go to bed happy, you wake up happy.

Fear is another thing also. The things or circumstances we fear mostly and constantly remember do come to pass in the long run.

There is power in positive thinking. Positive thinking makes you display positive attitude, and the display of positive attitude will always get you a positive response or feedback. From the law of attraction, a book I read which was about the power positive thinking explains that, if you as an individual practice positive thinking, you give off positive energy (which is sometimes seen in your confidence) that helps you achieve your goal without much difficulties. And also, If you hold on to a thought long enough, it will come to pass. Your mind is a thought generator, control it.

If you think good, you will get good in return but if you fill your mind with negative or bad thoughts, those thoughts may start manifesting without you knowing that you are the one bringing it upon your beautiful self.

So, when you wake up each morning, start with a smile then think positive thoughts. Hold on long enough to that positive thought, as long as you can before you begin the days work and see the magic unfold. 

Your mind is a very power weapon. Use it wisely.

Whenever the unpleasant situation arise, just know that it always has an expiry date.

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