(Part one)
By Madubuike Nnaemeka Michael

A dream from what I understand, is a series of pictures, colors, shapes, ideas, emotions and sensations that moves in successions in the human mind during sleep. Scientists have stated that dreams are mostly triggered by residual thoughts or obsessions. The scientific study of dreams is

The Laughing Hippopotamus

Published in L. Frank Baum's collection, American Fairy Tales in 1901.

On one of the upper branches of the Congo river lived an ancient and aristocratic family of hippopotamuses, which boasted a pedigree dating back beyond the days of Noah--beyond the existence of mankind--far into the dim ages when the world was new.
They had always lived upon the banks of this same river, so that every curve and sweep of its waters, every pit and shallow of its bed, every rock and stump and wallow upon its


I woke up one early morning walking out of my bedroom I could see that it was still dark outside, went straight to my bathroom to take a piss as I usually do every morning.
Mid piss as I was looking out through the window my gaze came to focus on a strange creature on the wall just above the window pane. Startled I ran out straight to my flat mate’s room, of course he was still asleep. I called on him a few times without response,


In a land far away, but not so far away, somewhere in Edo state, in one of its most remote villages. There lived a very obstinate boy called Nosa. Nosa was a pupil of Uwelu primary School who was always arriving at school late, not doing his assignments and most of the time rude to his teachers. Just like his father he was a bully too, harassing other pupils and

Michael's Short Stories

Here is a place for you esteemed readers to explore exciting and adventurous read to satiate your reading appetite.

Inpirational quote


A little inspiration will get you going. But first, you have to believe in your abilities as a human to achieve any great feat you set yourself to achieve. Then you get up off your behind and do something. Not just anything but something extraordinary.

Set yourself apart from the rest, by doing what you know best, that will make you the best out of the rest.
J.F Kennedy didn't write this,
Michael M did!